快好知 kuaihz

1. I scorched my dress with the iron. 2. I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 3. The hot iron scorched the tablecloth. 4. The bomb scorched the side of the building. 5. The hot sun scorched the flowers. 6. The walls had been blackened and scorched by fire. 7. I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it. 8. The iron was too hot and he scorched the shirt. 9. She scorched the cake. 10. The hot sand scorched our feet. 11. His article was scorched by his government. 12. The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms. 12.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 13. The lawn looked scorched after days of sunshine. 14. She scorched to victory in the sprint final. 15. The flowers scorched under the brutal sun. 16. The grass was scorched by the sun. 17. The hot weather scorched the grass. 18. The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet. 19. The weeds were scorched before ploughing. 20. The car scorched off down the road. 21. A truck scorched past him. 22. The surrounding buildings were scorched by the heat of the explosion. 23. The sports car scorched past and disappeared into the distance. 24. The countryside was scorched after several weeks of hot sun. 25. He scorched out of the gate, almost crashing his new sports car. 26. Her arm that was scorched last week is better now. 27. Words that flayed and scorched coming from her lips. 28. The place stank of scorched hair and deodorant. 29. The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth. 30. Rain opened the doors to the garden and fetched cushions so that it was bearable to sit on the scorched chairs.