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1. Tips on advancing the Doha round of trade talks? 2. The Doha round of global trade talks is floundering. 3. No agreements were reached to restart the Doha Round. 4. WTO Doha Round reformed the policy of Blue Box. 5. The Doha world trade negotiation is one obvious example. 6. V. The current Doha round negation on RTA and its latest development. 7. Indeed, fast - track now depends on Doha, not the other way around. 8. The Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations is stalled and may very well fall apart. 9. The Doha Round isn't dead yet, but it's being pushed around a nursing home, '' said Doug Goudie, director for international trade at the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington. 10. The Doha Round, says Mr. Kirk,'is like a cricket match. 11. But with the Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations stalled, bilateral and regional trade agreements may come to dominate that process. 12. With the fact that the Doha round is at a deadlock, the step of economic globalization step slows down to some extent, the tide of economic regionalization moves from peak to peak. 13. But emerging markets insist that the Doha round was never intended to result in such harmonisation. 14. Doha 2006 isgoing to show the Qatar folk custom to the world. 15. The North - South frame of the Doha negotiations ignored these cleavages. 16. Few were robustly in favour of Doha, but plenty were against it. 17. With no Doha deal to impose discipline, the volume of trade - distorting subsidies could surge. 18. Chapter 2 follows the evolvement of Agreement in DohaRound ( including Doha Conference and Cancun Conference ). 19. The plane slipped easily down out of the night sky on to the Doha runway. 20. I watched as my dear man made his way across the tarmac to the small Doha airport. 21. Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi must go. 22. The Transpacific Partnership adds momentum to Obama's pledge to double U. S. exports, made more urgent by the virtual collapse of the Doha round of trade talks. 23. The fourth WTO Ministerial Conference is being held in Doha, Qatar from 9 to 14 November 2001. 24. WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy says the months ahead will be a busy period for the organization's 153 member states to press ahead with the Doha negotiations and to move them to a speedy conclusion. 24.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 25. In November 14th of 2001, a new round multilateral trade negotiation was started, when the 4thministerial conference was held in Doha, the capital of Qatar. 26. Services trade is an important domain in the negotiations of Doha Round. 27. Following the revision of the index a selection of cities from this region has been added, including Doha in Qatar (110), Rabat in Morocco (112), Banjul in Gambia (164) and Abuja in Nigeria (205). 28. At the Green Room and G7 meetings, China has fully demonstrated flexibilities and constructiveness , and sincerely hoped to reach a successful Doha through working together with other members. 29. Bobo: Me too. China did a great performance in Doha, and grabbed 165 golds, isn't amazing? 30. Orry, a Qatari oryx , is the Official Mascot of the Doha Asian Games 2006.