快好知 kuaihz

1 I couldn't understand what he was mumbling about. 2 I could hear him mumbling to himself. 3 Outside, mumbling, was one of New York's ever-present crazies. 4 He collapsed on the floor, mumbling incoherently. 5 A woman on the corner was mumbling to herself. 6 Mother was mumbling away to herself. 7 What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word! 8 I follow, mumbling the words-if they are words-with him. 9 They all trooped out, mumbling and muttering, except Benedicta. 10 Laverne shakes his head mumbling away his worries. 11 Again, Robbie complied, mumbling a bit under his breath as he moved the octopus over to the doll. 12 The little man would trot around, mumbling contentedly, reenacting heroic skirmishes with rabid Orks in cramped subterranean Squattish strongholds. 13 He began mumbling in Latin, and attempted to make the sign of the Cross. 14 She was mumbling words, the cool words she had rehearsed to herself were lost. 15 An old man sat on the curb, mumbling and laughing to himself. 16 And she saw old Billy, his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth. 17 Another hundred yards, down again, mumbling to himself in delirium. 18 She stopped mumbling to herself, jumped up and caught the arm of a soldier. 19 The coroner woke like a child, mumbling to himself, wondering where he was. 20 Mumbling a reply, Loretta opened the fridge and peered inside. 21 The Minister is mumbling - I hope that he will get up and clear the air. 22 Stop mumbling,[www.] for goodness sake. 23 Evidently terrified out of her wits, she had become delirious, mumbling incomprehensibly, her hands rubbing her stomach. 24 That smell of oil and candles and that light from a distant window and him on his knees, mumbling. 25 Dragging her mind back to the matter in hand, and mumbling apologies, she wormed her way to the reception desk. 26 Nobody from her handpicked half-dozen is going to utter a mumbling word. 27 He entertained himself for long stretches with trucks and cars, mumbling to himself as he crashed them together. 28 But, by the time Wednesday rolls around, you find yourself mumbling to your sneakers and craving a little gossip. 29 Orders are orders, and I don't give a rat's fart about mumbling monks, icy roads or cold journeys. 30 It revealed, at the foot of the bed, a fat man taking off his trousers and mumbling to himself.