快好知 kuaihz

1. Development through to L5 takes place in the alveoli and bronchi, and the adults migrate to the trachea. 2. Copulation occurs around day seven in the trachea or bronchi after which the female grows rapidly. 3. Larvae then travel via the bronchi, trachea and oesophagus to the gut. 4. Their location in the trachea and bronchi and their size are diagnostic. 5. Results: Trachea and bronchus laceration were caused by injury. 6. Tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchus asthma and pleuritis ...etc. 7. The bronchus is situated distally. 8. Bronchiole -- Small branch of the bronchus that carries air to and from the alveoli. 9. The bronchi were supplied by the branch of bronchus coming from the common carotid artery. 10. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed an endobronchial tumor with stenotic bronchus . 10.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 11. Occasionally the tiny vascular opacity abutting a bronchus is a bronchial, rather than a pulmonary , artery. 12. Conclusion Primary benign tumors of trachea and bronchus were infrequent and clinical symptoms were dormant and characterless . More attention should be paid to for avoiding misdiagnosis. 13. He died at the age of 69 of an unrelated squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus. 14. This showed a conical hard object lodged firmly in her right intermediate bronchus, granular tissue, and purulent secretions. 15. Objective: To summarize the clinical experiences of anesthesia for traumatic rupture of the bronchus. 16. It is used tablet and injection etc, and curing cancer, leucopenia disease, chronic tracheitis of bronchus asthma and panting mould, bacillary dysentery and enteritis etc. 17. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for vagotomy of hilum of lung under video-assisted thoracoscope surgery on treatment of bronchus asthma. 18. One point of concentration is where the air tube, or bronchus, spanides. 19. To investigate the effect of double-bevel suturing technique on preventing bronchopleural fistula in closing the bronchus stump. 20. Can be in charge of nasally when necessary attract, but attract a movement to want light, do not injure bronchus mucous membrane. 21. Objective To explore clinical application of resection of lower lobe and lingular bronchus for left lung bronchiectasis. 22. Objective To evaluate the clinical application of MSCT in bronchus foreign body aspiration. 23. Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus. 24. A fungus ball composed of blue-staining hyphal elements of Aspergillus is seen here in a bronchus. Fungus balls may also form when fungi colonize cavitary lesions of tuberculosis. 25. With contaminated hand, turn the child's head to right side to suction left bronchus. 26. Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of CT virtual bronchoscope in foreign body in bronchus. 27. The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orificelower lobe bronchus. 28. The operation consisted of reconstruction of trachea in 3 cases, plastic carinoplasty 2 cases, and bronchoplasty and pulmonary arterioplasty 1 case, sleeve resection of bronchus 34 cases. 29. Jingjie essential oil has antiallergic and anti - inf lamatory effect , bronchus - expanding effect and pain relieve effect. 30. Objective To study histopathological characteristics of epithelial - myoepithelial tumor of the bronchus and its differential diagnosis.