快好知 kuaihz

1. The essence of dialectical thought is division. 2. The analytic method is dialectical. 3. Marx's philosophy of history is dialectical materialism. 4. Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual - emotional growth. 5. Graff acknowledges the problem and proposes an openly dialectical and adversarial form of teaching. 6. Two forces inherent in the current dialectical relations between mass pressure and bureaucratic reforms tend to undermine it. 7. It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology. 8. His main concern was with clear dialectical exposition. 9. The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness. 10. He takes philosophy of dialectical materialism as his guidance and persists in analyzing and researching on psychological phenomena with dialectic and systematology. 11. This essay tries to discuss the dialectical relationship between the exact words and exact messages in poetry and forms of reduplication from rhetorical point of view. 12. Instead , creative thinking is the dialectical unity of divergent thinking and convergent thinking which appear alternatively in the whole creative process of human thinking . 13. The value theory of dialectical materialism is the important part of Marxist philosophy. 14. Each pair in fact began to gravitate to opposite poles within the horizon which Dialectical Theology had opened up. 15. As we have seen in the case of Mormonism, a dialectical relationship exists between the Asiatic and the capitalist modes. 16. In recent years exhibitions and displays have been presented according to this dialectical principle with increasing frequency. 17. The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists. 18. Their discussion comprises the major part of the story, with the Professore arguing the old dialectical materialist line. 19. The relationship he postulates is not one-way traffic; it is dialectical. 20. Self-understanding must come through an examination of the process of dialectical interaction between self and world. 21. In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement. 22. Objective : To analyze the ultrasonic feature in different dialectical type of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. 23. The analyses the connotation of fair and efficiency and their dialectical relation. 24. The law of contradiction answers the question of "how many" characters the object has, but on the other hand, the dialectical contradiction gives the answer to the question of "what" characters are. 25. The theoretical basis of this traditional teaching mode is the epistemology of dialectical materialism and the behavioristic psychology. 26. The structural types of criminal legal norm might be divided into the two dialectical and unified kinds which are logical structure and noumenal structure. 27. The interactive relations between land laws and social transformation in rural China are dialectical. 28. The second section first analyzes the meaning and characteristics of taxation regulation, then especially discusses the dialectical relations between taxation regulation and taxation neutrality . 28.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 29. He realized the theoretical transcendence from knowledge to wisdom by the theory of Rational Intuition, Dialectical Synthesis and Self-verification of Morality. 30. In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism.