快好知 kuaihz

31. The boy was quieter than his sister, and gave tongue-tied answers. 32. Beyond a quieter plane ride, NoiseBuster is said to lessen the effects of jet lag. 33. I also found it quieter than my car and more manageable. 34. But no, he decided, the boss was getting colder and colder and his voice quieter. 35. Birds become quieter in the afternoon, while butterflies and other insects are more active, feeding on the opened flowers. 36. Noise level was about average for an electric machine, certainly quieter than petrol-driven models. 37. Continuing in a quieter voice, she asked how long he'd been married. 38. There also are improvements to the heater / air-conditioning system, which Chrysler says make it quieter and improve air flow. 38.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 39. Though it was quieter now, Ruth walked forward with trepidation, stopping a few yards short of it. 40. It was incredibly quiet, with distant traffic noise making it seem even quieter. 41. The printer is noisy and should be fitted with an acoustic hood, or replaced by a quieter machine. 2. 42. It was much quieter in her room because of the strong stone walls. 43. Cynthia's due to join her husband in Florida in September, hoping for a quieter life. 44. The 777 is quieter, has user-friendly storage bins and a sophisticated entertainment system with multiple choices. 45. A quieter but potentially important project is currently under way by Sir John Boreham who has been seconded from the government statistical office. 46. It will be much quieter and more pleasant and there's always plenty to drink. 47. Use of quieter, cleaner lorries and the development of cycle routes will be encouraged. 48. Everyone was noticeably quieter, each man thinking about the chances of whether we would be forced to leave the raft. 49. Grand Canyon visits should be a little quieter this year, thanks to new noise restrictions for sightseeing flights. 50. The engines became quieter, purring quite ordinarily as they approached these resting places. 51. Just off the square, in the quieter area of the Saarlandstrasse, the Joyces found a hotel and booked a room. 52. Cibo Matto, by contrast, takes a quieter and more accessible approach to its music. 53. Now they left the main road for the quieter, dimmer back streets. 54. For the quieter members of his team, he could be a great source of comfort and inspiration. 55. They left the Grand Canal behind them and glided through a labyrinth of quieter waterways. 56. Can we go somewhere quieter? This place is a bit public. 57. Merlin, who was quieter, but just as lethal, had pulled a different groupie every night of the Championships. 58. At first Leonora's body convulsed with shudders as she wept, but little by little she grew quieter. 59. Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering. 60. Ozawa, the quieter of the two, comes from a very different background.