快好知 kuaihz

1. Who tarred them on? 2. A few hundred feet down is a tarred road. 3. His head was covered by a tarred leather hood. 4. But he was tarred with Estabrook's guilt. 5. Kleider has been tarred by recent business scandals. 6. I was tarred with the same brush, to a certain extent. 7. Sometimes rain lashed the tarred roofs of the huts until they glistened like the skin of a seal. 8. Ralph even tarred the roof gutters and fixed a leak by the chimney. 9. Suspected abolitionists were tarred, feathered, and run out of town; antislavery literature was burned. 10. Candles and tarred kindling, and spices, Carrie thought, wrinkling her nose. 11. We are all tarred with the same brush; we are all members of the vast human family. 12. We are the ones tarred with that brush. 13. They ordered loyalist pamphlets burned or tarred and feathered. 14. In some places, mobs tarred and feathered those who violated the boycott. 15. On board, they tarred and feathered an effigy of the President. 16. The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven. 17. He should be tarred and feathered for what he has done. 18. "I'd probably be arrested, tarred and feathered, if I stepped off a plane in Berlin," Calagione told me. 19. In East Haddam, Connecticut, a loyalist doctor was tarred with hot pitch, feathered, and rubbed with pig dung. 20. Torrents of melody poured out of his stubby, tarred hands, chiming and snarling into the night. 21. Bubbles on a tarred roof, which grew, and burst, and grew again. 22. Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim. 23. She's a friend of that liar Jane and is probably tarred with the same brush. 24. I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I'm not one of the hooligan sort because we'll all get tarred with the same brush when there's trouble. 25. You've made it very clear that you think I'm tarred with the same brush as William. 26. By 1952 he was becoming all the more determined that the United States should not be tarred with the colonial brush. 27. He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept. 28. There is a danger, though, that others will be tarred by the same brush. 29. His father was lazy, his grandfather was lazy, and this boy seems to be tarred with the same brush. 30. We turned into the left dirt road at this Y-junction. The tarred road on the right is lead to a aborigine's village.