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1. All students pursue certain courses of general anthropological concern. 2. She soon switched to more anthropological methods. 3. The anthropological excursion which they undertook was there to show the arbitrariness, the contextual, relative nature of these concepts. 4. Using a broadly anthropological approach to work, discourses generated within and beyond the workplace are examined. 5. The anthropological elements in the final poem are also present in the collection of manuscripts from which it emerged. 6. Anthropological discussion of this relationship between self, object and society is dominated by the more general analysis or exchange. 7. The argument must still confront the anthropological and linguistic evidence for intellectual development as well as capacity in different cultures. 8. You don't have to be an anthropological genius to see a spiralling behaviour pattern here. 9. The old anthropological concept dreamed up in the universities to describe the potentialities of nature as understood by primitive people. 10. The anthropological evidence, then, suggests that there is scientific and non-scientific thought in all societies and within all individuals. 11. Anthropological analyses rest heavily upon the concept of culture. 11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 12. The Anthropological Paradigm should be taken in establishing it. 13. This dissertation is an anthropological comparative study of the Zhuang and Han nationality"s bone-collecting rebury." 14. According to historical documents and anthropological materials, the custom of couvade has been practiced in many places of the world. 15. It is the most difficult of all anthropological data on which to " draw " the old Negro. 16. The American Anthropological Association has stated that race simply cannot be tested or proven scientifically. 17. On two grounds, then, humans are identical to the world; for this we have both cosmological and anthropological data. 18. It is of great significance for the subsequent history of anthropological thinking. 19. The gender perspective is one that could fruitfully be pursued further in anthropological studies on values in connection with social behaviour. 20. In conclusion, one may say the Titan-Dionysos myth indicates a form of anthropological dualism in Orphism. 21. Here the missing link is frequently the directly observed contextual detail which is so crucial in anthropological field work. 22. It bore no relation to the equivalent of aerodynamic facts, namely, anthropological evidence as a whole. 23. Moscovici's formula that the new social psychology should be both anthropological and historical seems to suggest both possibilities. 24. It is more likely that the cosmogonic myths are the foundation on which an anthropological perspective was based. 25. Therefore, it is easy to see how some photographers have moved between areas of anthropological and fashion photography. 26. Like Michel Pastoureau, I believe that the study of colour in Western art must proceed along broadly anthropological lines. 27. After positioning the wad in my cheek I sat around waiting for the hit, feeling smug with my new-found anthropological skills. 28. It is important here to distinguish between the short-term objectives of the fieldworker and the longer-term objectives of the anthropological theorist. 29. He didn't do the rigorous positioning work, the metaphor elicitation with customers, the ethnological and anthropological observational in situ research. 30. Dwight : So you see the lawn chair symbolizes the anthropological conundrum that is this very existence.