快好知 kuaihz

drift off造句
1. Festival-goers began to drift off as the evening drew to an end. 2. He would drift off to sleep again, only to wake and look at the clock. 3. Sometimes he would drift off into reverie, and gaze out of the window for hours. 4. She was just starting to drift off, when she heard a scream downstairs. 5. She stood stock still, hoping he would drift off to sleep once more without realising she was not there. 6. I crawl into my sleeping bag and drift off, listening to large creatures moving nearby in a dark sea. 7. It reproduces by releasing single-celled spores which drift off in the sea and grow into new plants. 8. Sometimes he would drift off into some reverie or gaze at something which struck his artist's eye. 9. They drift off lazily to the west for a short distance. 10. People began to talk among themselves, others to drift off. 11. Just as you drift off is when you're most likely to have that brilliant idea. 12. Every time I drift off course, I get reminded of this story. 13. Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows , crisp linen and a light duvet. 14. Instead of just letting themselves drift off into dreamland, they kept on checking to see if they were still awake, and that quick mental check woke them up. 15. Just two tablets at bedtime will help you gently drift off. 16. Many see their first shooting star, and with that, drift off to never-never land. 17. The excitement died away and the crowd began to drift off down the side streets. 18. The problem is that the meaning of a sentence tends to drift off into what linguists would call the Indeterminate Adverbial Phrase. 19. If you have an agitated mind, the tension in your body is not going to let you drift off. 20. After the ceremony she seemed to be serene and relaxed and to drift off to sleep. 21. Finally he would stretch out, his breathing would become more regular and he would drift off. 22. As Ralph had predicted, the most productive workers began to drift off to new employers who promised greater security. 23. How are you going to make use of your most creative time if it turns out to be while you're commuting, during your workout, or as you drift off to sleep. 24. For the stars, audiobooks carry no worries about their appearance or learning lines. For book lovers, it means Kidman or Firth whispering in their ear as they drift off to sleep. 25. Its another 45 minutes before Morgan is finally able to drift off. 26. Or you might find that everything gets so loose that you drift off. 26.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 27. Change your body temperature. Your body drops in temperature as you drift off into sleep. 28. Listening to soft music for 45 minutes before bedtime can slow breathing and heart rates, helping you drift off faster and slumber soundly according to a Case Western Reserve University study. 29. When you get to the last two steps, repeat them over and over like a mantra, as long as necessary until you drift off. 30. I then lumbered back into bed and started to drift off.