快好知 kuaihz

in response to造句
61, No obvious regional differences in response to ligand were detected in these cultures. 62, Almost all growth occurs between March and October and, whilst other factors are doubtless involved, this is probably in response to temperature. 63, In response to continued encouragement from the localities they protested until the final passage of the legislation in August. 64, When they played a low grunt normally given in response to eagles, the majority of the monkeys looked up. 65, The disclosure came in response to reporters' questions about why the planes were not flying. 66, The decision was reportedly taken in response to the government's current austerity programme. 67, Other new appointments made in response to the changing balance in international relations between economic and political considerations were less significant. 68, Then there is no possibility of hostility and the two will work together very amiably in response to instructions. 69, If it is withdrawn, then the advertiser is in breach of contract with any bidder who had come in response to the advertisement. 70, In response to demands for figures of loyalists arrested, the police first announced that 130 nationalists and seventy-five loyalists were arrested. 71, Wages and membership will be sticky in response to iso-elastic demand shifts, while employment bears the brunt of the adjustment.18 5.3. 72, When Cheney and Seyfarth played a tonal call normally given in response to leopards, the majority of the monkeys ran to a tree. 73, In response to this survey, we received 150 completed questionnaires from 45 countries. 74, After the Civil War, the Bolshevik party had recreated itself in response to events; it was virtually a new organization. 75, In response to Sikh accusations V. P. Singh agreed to the holding of a judicial inquiry into his death. 76, In response to the two presses of the chair button Galvone hurried in to the living room. 77, But they were very reluctant to attend antenatal classes and so this club had been set up in response to this. 78, Encouraging literature, he organized poetry contests in which candidates improvised rhymes in response to his own verses. 79, The stock market, whose index had fallen throughout 1990, lost a further 7.5 points in response to the package. 80, The current business environment gives rise to unparalleled demands for flexible and dynamic management of the business in response to economic or legislative change. 81, The number of passives produced in response to the different pictures varied considerably. 82, The company has recently introduced a five-day option in response to criticism that they were not paying quickly enough. 83, Thus hearing a word, or producing it in response to an incomplete definition,[http:///in response to.html] will not prime visual word recognition. 84, The new measures are in response to the public outcry over illegal rave parties such as the one at Castlemorton Common last year. 85, In response to fluctuating hormone levels during each oestrous cycle, some eggs are released to resume development. 86, Also on an international scale, the price of grain rose in response to demand, and this in turn affected wages. 87, The third element is the flexible labour force, part-time and temporary employees who provide expertise and skills in response to changing needs. 88, So in Chapter 8 we will discuss how our social institutions are going to have to change in response to dejobbing. 89, The size and the number of actuarial firms is expanding rapidly in response to the demand for their services. 90, Work-inhibited children have erected emotional barriers to education and, in response to demands by adults, these barriers become more impenetrable.