快好知 kuaihz

31. He wasn't unmoved either, and his slow arousal against her made her arch into him. 32. He was friendly to evangelists but was unmoved by their calls for his conversion. 33. If the jurors were unmoved by the dignity of the presidency, they were not going to be impressed by the governorship. 34. Shannon had watched the encounter with interest, while remaining singularly unmoved herself. 35. S . Behrman listened to him unmoved. 36. He always appeared completely unmoved. 37. By all this argument the Turkish delegation were unmoved. 38. He remained unmoved by her entreaties for pity. 39. He remained unmoved even when she began to cry. 40. The more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved. 41. He is too still, unmoved, phlegmatic to be happy. 42. Her voice, cool and unmoved , disturbed him, but not as he had expected. 43. She sat, cool and unmoved, with her lifework falling in ruins about her. 44. Dean Corso : [ expels a lungful of smoke, unmoved ] Ten. 45. Unmoved by traffic, a female snapping turtle chooses a nest site beside a road...Before this June day ends, she will have dug a hole with her hind legs and deposited golf-sized eggs. 46. Unsurprisingly , Dick Cheney, the former vice - president , is unmoved by such arguments. 47. The mountain remains unmoved its seeming defeat by the mist. 48. Death however it comes, is a mystery before which one cannot stand unmoved and unregretful. 49. Although the central bank continues to cut interest rates and statutory reserve ratio, but the bank's capital has remained unmoved . 50. Claiming that anyone unmoved by green hysteria is thereby in need of treatment raises the Argumentum ad Hominem to new heights. 51. Despite the enemy's heavy gunfire, our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved. 52. The serene are unmoved by hell . Nor slander nor praise, as well. 53. The fact that scientists might be deprived of visas left him unmoved.