快好知 kuaihz

61 I think I'll start with a crabmeat salad and then half a dozen clams. 62 I have fish, oysters and clams. Could you help me clean them? 63 On a recent visit, the main offerings included a succulent, steamed sea bream with squid and clams in a briny tomato sauce with olives and grilled croutons. 64 You got a couple of clams to pay the toll with, chief? 65 Rich in fish, octopus, pomfret, cuttlefish, fish and swimming crab shells painted, marine products, razor clams, shrimp, etc. , is a fresh harvest of the Gulf for years. 66 The vents support populations of bacteria, giant worms, clams, shrimp and other creatures in the inky darkness, often several kilo-metres below the surface. 67 She clams up very time I bring up the question of marriage. 68 Ingredients:200g Linguine, 100g Frozen baby clams (thawed), 160g Cream of chicken soup, 2tsp Mashed garlic, some Chopped parsley. 69 In two clams, there were 25 kinds of fatty acids. 70 No surprise there -- from coral to clams to microscopic foraminifera, shelled critters make their hard parts out of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). 71 The waters of Apalachicola Bay, where the river flows into the sea, make oysters happy as, well, clams. 72 Any of various clams of the family Solenidae, characteristically having long narrow shells. 73 So, you want clams for dinner? This blue crab does, but she doesn't need frying or bread crumbs. 74 Presumably (though this has still to be proved) the hatchling sharks are eating the worms and perhaps, if their teeth are up to the necessary crunching, the clams. 75 The Indian money was called wampum and consisted of strings of beads made from the shells of clams and other shellfish. 76 We can get the most wonderful red clams, eels and frogs' legs, kingfish , turbot and live hamachi. 77 Clambake:a seashore picnic where clams, fish, corn, and other foods are traditionally baked on heated stones covered with seaweed. 78 Add the clams to the pan, together with their strained cooking liquid. 79 The barrel of an enormous naval gun was inhabited by a cluster of clams.