快好知 kuaihz

1. The universe is expanding rather than contracting. 2. He developed full-blown Aids five years after contracting HIV. 3. The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. 4. Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease. 5. Other problems may arise as a result of contracting. 6. They allow contracting procedures to be standardised and streamlined. 7. Contracting may be effective because it makes evasion difficult, facilitates communication, and offers rewards to the patient. 8. Some, like regulation, tax policy, contracting, and grants, were long established. 9. The chances of a healthy adult contracting the disease are negligible. 10. But dipping a toe into the contracting pond can be problematic. 11. But the country's economy is contracting, and Chernobyl is no longer seen as vital to its energy needs. 12. The contracting culture should mean greater opportunities for voluntary sector providers, but Mussenden identifies problems. 14. Machinery contracting not only helped the farm's cash-flow but also, once established, gave the farm access to modern machinery. 15. Nevertheless contracting does incur greater administrative costs in the form of new accounting and information systems and staff. 16. But his secret life was contracting as East/West tensions slackened. 17. Chapter 5, finally, deals with some aspects of contracting with consumers. 18. Contracting States are to designate the authorities which consuls may approach. 19. Practices on the rise included contracting for services, performance measurement, participatory management, impact fees, and strategic planning. 20. I don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out. 21. When he tried to return in 1992, several players said they were concerned about contracting the virus by playing against him. 22. It is also being ushered in by an unusual duo: contracting credit and falling interest rates. 23. Frustration is where a contract is terminated by an event which has arisen through no fault of either contracting party. 24. Subsequent work included canal and river navigation, land drainage, and harbour projects, as well as a brief venture into canal contracting. 25. This setback to the economy occurred after seven years of contracting production and rising unemployment. 26. The staff relaxed, until the building started expanding and contracting - an effect they described as akin to heavy breathing. 27. Not all practices will want to contract for an expanded range of services and local circumstances will also affect contracting decisions. 28. However, there is no doubt that the majority of authorities do favour an examination of reasonableness at the time of contracting. 29. None of the papers commented on the consultation paper dealing with contracting. 30. In any event, the Richmond City Council has supported its determination that minorities have been wrongly excluded from local construction contracting.