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31 Results:The SEP in the study included cornual pregnancy, interstitial tubal pregnancy, varian pregnancy, cervical pregnancy, abdominal pregnancy and rudimentary horn of uterus pregnancy. 32 Results In the common viral pneumonia, the pathological changes in the lung were that of interstitial pneumonia. 33 ObjectiveTo study the preventive and therapeutic effect of compound prescription with turtle shell (CPTS) on rats with IPF (Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis) caused by Bleomycin A5. 34 We report a young man who was a dental technician with pneumoconiosis, manifesting initially with interstitial pneumonitis of unknown origin. 35 It is mainly inhibited as glomerular sclerosis, renal interstitial fibrosis and intrarenal vascular sclerosis. 36 In sarcoidosis, nodular interlobular septal thickening reflects the presence of interstitial granulomas. 37 The system of sediment - interstitial water in typical inner - city hyper - eutrophic lake in Wuhan City was studied. 38 Assist in localization procedures of intracavitary or interstitial sources or seeds. 39 Methods: 100 cases of ovary gonad interstitial tumor and thecoma were clinically and pathologically analysed, retrospectively. 40 Metastasis were fourd in blood vessels in hepatic interstitial tissue, blood vessels in hepatic capsule and important organs such as lungs, kidneys, abdominal cavity. 41 Total body water, contained principally in blood plasma and in intracellular and interstitial fluids. 42 A solid solution wherein relatively small solute atoms occupy interstitial positions between the solvent or atoms. 43 Objiective:To investigate preliminarily the feasibility and safety of Interstitial MR lymphography with submucous injection of omniscan for lymph node metastasis in patients with oral cancer. 44 The X-ray changes of 10 cases of pathologically proved cryptogenic diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis are reported. 45 The present invention is to present a measuring device which can conduct stable extraction and measurement of interstitial fluid. 46 Objective To explore the evoking factors, symptoms, physical signs, therapy, and prognosis of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia(NSIP). 47 Results Captopril could inhibit interstitial fibrosis, decrease apoptotic cells and ameliorate ventricular function. 48 In contrast, common idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers ( SF ) never manifest intra - tubule crystals or interstitial fibrosis. 49 In Belgium, at least 70 people required renal transplants or dialysis for interstitial fibrosis of the kidney after taking the wrong herb from the Aristolochiaceae family, again as a dietary aid. 50 Objective To discuss the value of interstitial magnetic resonance(MR) lymphography in the evaluation of lymphatic dynamics. 51 It is obvious that the the distribution of silica acid in interstitial water were affected by the contents of biogenic silica and aluminium, and aquiferous proportion as well. 52 Objective To investigate imaging features of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia ( NSIP ) and its clinical value. 53 Transition metal nitrides belong to a class of interstitial compounds, have the properties of covalence compound, ion crystal and transitional metals. 54 Intersperse advertisements throughout your content by using the playlist editor to insert interstitial advertisement to the server side playlist. 55 Objective To investigate the clinical value of laparoscopic salpingectomy after ligating using lasso in treating interstitial tubal pregnancy. 56 Permanent 125I interstitial radiotherapy affects littler to quality of life of patients. 57 Conclusions GIP is a very rare chronic interstitial pneumonia, and has no characteristic clinical manifestations. Radiographic findings are similar to other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. 58 Objective To investigate the clinical features and therapy of HCMV interstitial pneumonia after kidney transplantation. 59 The experimental results indicate that the priority of attention-getting is: interstitial ads, button ads, banner ads, expanding ads. 60 Pulmonary fibrosis is caused by many factors and shows diffuse interstitial tissue hyperplasia.