快好知 kuaihz

1, He is recovering little by little. 2, He's in hospital recovering from an operation. 3, He is recovering from a knee injury. 4, He was recovering from a heart transplant operation. 5, He was recovering from a severe bout of flu. 6, A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog. 7, Although she's recovering from her illness, her rate of progress is quite slow. 8, Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced/suffered a setback. 9, Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering. 10, He's still recovering from his operation. 11, Your baby is recovering well. 12, She's still recovering from her breakdown. 13, He's in hospital, recovering from a heart attack. 14, Her mother was just recovering from an illness . 15, He's recovering well from reconstructive surgery on his nose. 16, She's recovering from a long illness . 17, The tourist industry is recovering to pre-war levels. 18, He is recovering from a bad accident. 19, He is in hospital recovering from a heart operation. 20, There was talk of share prices recovering, but that was just a false dawn. 21, Mrs Burton was last night recovering from her injuries in hospital. 22, She went into a coma and died without recovering consciousness. 23, She seemed to be recovering and then she went into a decline. 24, She's recovering well from her operation, but she's still a little shaky on her feet. 25, Jim is still recovering from that hit on the head. 26, Since recovering from her operation, she's had a new lease of life. 27, I'm slowly recovering my strength after a bout of flu. 28, You'll have to pad out the chair with some more cloth before recovering it. 29, An elderly man from Hull has confounded doctors by recovering after he was officially declared dead. 30, Let's look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.