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1 The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation. 2 Is the growth benign or cancerous? 3 Nine out of ten lumps are not cancerous. 4 He had a cancerous growth on his lung. 5 The cancerous cells had to be cut out. 6 Malignant melanoma of the skin is caused by cancerous proliferation of melanocytes. 7 While ministering to the needy, a cancerous growth on his foot spread. 8 But both communities must recognise the cancerous effect of sectarianism, taken to these extremes. 9 Had had large intestine can cancerous person eat potato? 10 The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver. 11 Cancerous glial tumors generally spread in the brain the way roots spread a plant. 12 Cancerous glial tumors generally spread in the brain the way roots spread from a plant. 13 No HPV was detected in para cancerous and non tumorous tissues. 14 If colonoscopy reeals cancerous lesions, further treatments may be necessary. 15 The blocking glue of cancerous serosa(F TH glue) is unharmful to human body. 16 Cancerous is tomes glial tumors generally spread in the brain away roots spread from a plant. 17 Ruth's life was endangered by cancerous cells at large in her body. 18 This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths. 19 Medics will also use the kit to ensure all cancerous cells have been removed during tumour surgery. 20 More recent research has revealed that genetic malfunction can be caused by chemical carcinogens that convert normal genes into cancerous ones. 21 Scientists have spotted a unique protein produced by all cancerous cells. 22 This is just as well because trichomonal infection causes changes in the cells of the cervix which mimic those that precede cancerous changes. 23 There is a further justification for the removal of censorship in libraries and the reason is the cancerous nature of the practice. 24 Interleukin-2 is a new therapy for the treatment of solid cancerous tumours,[www.] and is increasingly being accepted for use 2. 25 The lump in Kay's breast turned out to be cancerous. 26 He was an old countryman with a betel-ravaged mouth, the cancerous tongue sticking helplessly out like a crimson prickly pear. 27 Animals that were given apigenin, a compound abundant in parsley (and in celery), boosted their resistance to developing cancerous tumors. 28 Lack it, the active of the amine of methylic benzyl nitric acid that causes cancer is strengthened, make its send cancerous action to strengthen. 29 The reason - the more sensitive computer tomography picked up cancerous lung lesions at a much earlier stage, when they were smaller and easier to treat. 30 A colonasikipy colonoscopy can find and remove growth growths before they become cancerous.