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61. Fitness programs feature water aerobics, self-defense techniques and strength training. 62. The sports hall of a public sector facility is used more for aerobics classes than was the case ten years ago. 63. Judo, karate, dance, fencing, table tennis, carpet bowls and aerobics are all available. 64. He started running an aerobics session in a church hall in Neasden, North London, and soon expanded. 65. Plus, Best foot forward, but watch your step ... aerobics can be a pain. 66. Sometimes this is called aerobic exercise, and cycling is an excellent form of aerobics. 67. I tried aerobics once, but I didn't really enjoy it. 68. It may be only a matter of time before goals trigger outbreaks of mass aerobics and the odd square dance. 69. Nigel also took up aerobics at his local sports centre. 70. Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on Saturdays. 71. Thousands of people have been practicing step aerobics, but over-enthusiasm could leave them flat on their backs. 72. Voice over One complaint against step aerobics has been the number of unqualified people taking the classes. 73. One team will include mums who attend aerobics classes at the stadium. 74. This entitles you to our complete workout facilities, including weight room, aerobics classes, and sauna. 75. If it's raining, aerobics will be followed by table tennis and craft work. 76. This is particularly true for those of us for whom bending over is a form of aerobics. 77. High impact aerobics is only for people who are extremely fit. 78. Dance and aerobics classes are a useful tool for encouraging girls back to school P.E. lessons. 79. In the exercise room, an aerobics session was in progress, to be followed by rock and roll dancing. 80. Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning? 81. Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health. 82. Sports: including equipment gym, aerobics fitness, water sports, sauna. 83. Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, I'll try aerobics. 84. Is this your very first advanced aerobics class? 85. Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class? 86. She teaches swimming, lifesaving and water aerobics. 87. Yes, I went to the aerobics class today. 88. It's a form of existential aerobics, a moving meditation. 89. Aerobic exercise includes aerobics, swimming, bicycling and running. 90. Jogging, doing aerobics, bicycling, and playing ping - pong.