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31. I gotta pig-face, gimpy limping Mama. 32. He was limping as badly as ever when I last saw him. 33. Turiaf was fine, but Crittenton came up holding his knee and limping. 34. These problems are mostly related to surgical trauma and include greater trochanter pain, early fatigue, and limping that can last up to 1 year after surgery. 35. A good number of Mr Jois’s students seemed constantly to be limping around with injured knees or backs because they had received his “adjustments”, yanking them into Lotus, the splits or a backbend. 36. As they ran into the woods , she followed, limping. 37. We were off before sunrise, Sandy riding and I limping along behind. 38. Instead she turned and led the limping slaughterer away from Kreiger, dodging through the darkened garden, using her knowledge of its layout to double the distance between them. 39. I was embarrassed when the minicab dropped us off in front of the estate, and tried to keep my distance from this ruined, limping skeleton as we went inside and up the stairs. 40. And when they did, they found themselves limping away with a loss. 41. Tom was limping as badly as ever when I last saw him. 42. They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot. 43. Background: Abduction weakness and limping is a well-recognized complication of closed antegrade insertion of femoral nails. 44. All limping, all covered in bandages and grime, but alive. 45. Then he saw a big man a workman's cap and a mackinaw limping slowly toward him. 46. It was promising to reenforce the replaced gluteus medius muscle. It was favourable to improve the limping gait for those patients suitable to this method. 47. The last day of Glacier School on Rainier , Mazur walked alongside Orbita,[.com] who was in pain with an injured knee and limping far behind the others. 48. The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled. 49. Once I had a game leg, and then I went limping. 50. The second time when I saw her being limping before the crippled. 51. A stone in his shoe accounts for why he was limping. 52. Finally, Old Xu came out, limping. He seemed to be in pain. 53. If Obama follows fuzzy standards, he does the nation a disservice and is better off just limping along with the current, unimproved NCLB law. 54. Limping also leads to people playing less than optimal hands. 55. The young surgeon lifted up the limping General, and offered to conduct him to his home. 56. He was limping rather badly and fagged when he finished the futile exploration of his domain. 57. One morning I accompany the limping government water truck on its deliveries.