快好知 kuaihz

(1) Many childless couples adopt children. (2) It was a happy but childless marriage. (3) At the other extreme, women still childless at 32 were more likely to be from a professional background. (4) Couples who are childless can feel excluded from the rest of society. (5) A childless woman was regarded as an aberration, almost a social outcast. (6) The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman. (7) She is childless by choice. (8) She and the young count were childless. (9) Some believe that a childless woman had been driven away from her husband's home so that he could marry again. (10) Both marriages were childless; so that Elizabeth was the last direct descendant of William Shakespeare. (11) Childless, they were free, not constrained - constraining - links between birth and death. (12) The fact that it was childless was cited as one reason for its collapse. (13) Childless couples may use their extra time for leisure and their extra money for consumption rather than for investment. (14) Voluntary childlessness Perhaps 5 percent of married couples choose to be childless. (15) The threshold for childless couples under pensionable age was 57 percent above income support levels. (16) As a childless wife can only suffer, there would be no point in passing an intersexual off as a woman. (17) The woman Rebecca, my father's childless and rejected wife, haunts my early years. (18) Maria Park had even talked the childless presidential couple into adopting her older son. (19) Until now only single childless women aged 17-27 have been able to work as au pairs in Britain. (20) For childless elderly people in particular these brothers or sisters may provide a strong support. (21) Her husband died in 1720, leaving her a childless widow in comfortable circumstances. (22) They had been married four years and were as yet childless. (23) Her father had died long before, leaving behind a childless aunt who had lived with her parents. (24) When the embryo was found to be male the Mastertons gave it away to a childless couple. (25) Any moment now, one burst of shooting would make Harriet Shakespeare childless and turn the Hare-woman into a murderess. (26) In a recent survey, the IoD found that 43% of its female members were childless. (27) You would never have guessed from the way the Parsons talked that they were childless. (28) It was on the outskirts of the village and belonged to an elderly, childless couple. (29) George and Elizabeth had come to terms with the fact that they would always be childless. (30) He was a short, energetic man, modest in his tastes and happily married, though childless.