快好知 kuaihz

211. The questioning face of a passenger in a passing car stared up at her. 212. The process entails interviews with equal opportunities officers, and rigorous questioning of his own beliefs. 213. And with a faintly questioning intonation that fitzAlan would have to be deaf to miss. 214. Compared to people in other functional areas, they feel little compunction about challenging or questioning a superior. 215. Peltier was never stopped for questioning, and after the funeral he returned to the West Coast. 216. Questioning the tomb assumption for megaliths does not mean that people never thought of them as burial places. 217. Police arranged to meet Robinson on the street, then brought him in for questioning and placed him under arrest. 218. No questioning of the validity or desirability of the task can be permitted to intervene in the process. 219. Despite this, arrest for questioning has quickly become an attractive option for the police. 220. Upon further questioning, the witnesses gave inconsistent and sometimes contradictory answers. 221. Again careful questioning about how the bell and pad is used will indicate any misuse. 222. However, after a number of fatal accidents this year, some people are questioning whether grooming is such a great idea. 223. Dogmas that could not withstand scrutiny withered, while those that accommodated observations and questioning prospered. 224. However, questioning the medical professional is a difficult and often a daunting task, given their present high social status. 225. The majority of people were obedient to the King, not questioning his government. 226. This is how monarchs and their families have lived for generations, without ever questioning that it should be so. 227. Questioning anything within doubt,will just bring mind to no certainty.Toba Beta 228. Their intensive questioning, in fact, seems to coincide with two other developments in the lexicon. 229. Three men from the ship have been detained for questioning by the Harbour Authorities. 230. The lawyer may have been notified, but the Act does not prohibit questioning before arrival. 231. This would necessitate questioning the myths that abound in the enterprise. 232. They were raised and analyzed, some in Justice Department investigations, some in tough but fair questioning during the hearings. 233. He attempted to explain apparent contradictions in testimony he gave under aggressive questioning by plaintiffs' lawyers several weeks ago. 234. Linked to the increase in external pressures is the increase in the young person's own natural questioning of authority. 235. After the initial shock, Daley felt cornered and harassed, and it soon showed in his reaction to questioning. 236. They proposed that more open-ended questioning and more pupil talk were vital in reading acquisition. 237. DiGenova said Starr may ask the jurors to hold off or limit their questioning. 238. When I had finished, I was made to wait two hours before being called back into the office for questioning. 239. I hope that they will not be interpreted as questioning the adequacy of existing services. 240. Samuel was charged with the burglaries, but questioning about the armed robbery went on.