快好知 kuaihz

1. All the peaches rotted on the tree. 2. The window frame had rotted away completely. 3. The wood has rotted away completely. 4. The floor has rotted away in places;be careful please. 5. Rain has got in and rotted the woodwork. 6. The rain has rotted the roof beam. 7. I found that he was being rotted. 8. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed. 9. His teeth have rotted away and were black at the edges. 10. The legs of the chair have rotted out,and can't be used any more. 11. The flowers rotted off. 12. Fresh water rotted natural fibre, while seawater preserved it. 13. After that you ratted or rotted. 14. The wood is rotted below. 15. Many of the tomatoes had rotted on their stems. 16. Some of the porch floorboards had rotted through and the steps sagged back against the house. 18. Silhouetted sticks of rotted snow barriers emphasise godforsaken desert stretching for endless miles. 19. Another similar material is the partly rotted plant material in garden compost heaps. 20. All this would have rotted away had the rescue operation not swung into action. 21. The gorgeous canopies have rotted, the bamboo supports have snapped. 22. Dig in plenty of rotted manure, but ensure the ground has settled firmly before planting. 23. The entryway was a garbage dump for rotted food, and the stairways reeked of old and pungent uric acid. 24. The Bishop felt his very fabric rotted by soft living. 25. If farm - yard manure is used it must be well rotted. 26. Over the years, much of the wood in the house had rotted. 27. The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard. 28. The charge proved to be a hoax, but growers lost a fortune as their produce rotted on the dock. 29. Whatever decorative covering had concealed the entrance had likewise rotted into dust. 30. The roof had fallen in and the floor had completely rotted away.