快好知 kuaihz

go on with造句
1. I'll go on with the cases, and you follow in your own time. 2. We'll go on with the work, whether we can find the necessary tools or not. 3. Tell him to go on with his work. 4. I'm all right here. Go on with your work. 5. That's enough for now-let's go on with it tomorrow. 6. We'll go on with the presentations after lunch. 7. Go on with your work. 8. Please go on with what you're doing and don't let us interrupt you. 9. One of the actors was unwell and couldn't go on with the performance. 10. Go on with you-you're never forty. You don't look a day over thirty. 11. You're heading for disaster if you go on with her. 12. This'll have to do to go on with. 13. Let's stop now. We'll go on with this tomorrow. 14. Couldn't go on with it, not after what happened. 15. Are you going to go on with your international exhibitions? 16. To go on with the utter silence or to break the silence, pretending nothing had happened. 17. That's when I realised that I couldn't go on with this free agent nonsense. 18. He wanted men to go on with living the good life. 19. Couldn't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in. 20. If you then choose to go on with it, you are ready to begin a lifetime of training in depth. 21. They tell you to go on with artificial respiration for ever, for long after you've given up hope. 22. Go on with your work, you impudent slut! 23. Have you got enough work to go on with? 24. Shall we go on with this question? You are not tired? 25. Alexander was free to go on with the Persian campaign. 26. His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation. 27. If we don't finish painting the kitchen today,(Sentence dictionary) we can go on with it tomorrow. 28. It took two additional tractors to disinter the float and permit Hirt and Channing to go on with the show. 29. But just for a minute or two, I want to go on with that other thing. 30. The time I spent alone with her ... those hours allowed me to gather strength to go on with my deception.