快好知 kuaihz

(1) You can’t touch pitch without being defiled. (2) Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. (3) The animals defiled the water. (4) The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing. (5) I felt defiled by the filth. (6) Hallam's tomb had been defiled and looted. (7) The altar had been defiled by vandals. (8) The students defiled through the gate of the school. (9) The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places. (10) The infidels defiled the holy shrine. (11) He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet. (12) They had been defiled, and I expected punishment. (13) Quaint nursery rhymes defiled by crashing noise nightmares? (14) Tombstones in a Jewish cemetery had been defiled. (15) I felt polluted, tainted, defiled, unworthy of anyone except Karen, who repelled me. (16) Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled? (17) Nippur's Holy of Holies is defiled. (18) For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. (19) Article 11 No damaged , defiled, or substandard National Emblem shall be hung. (20) I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and defiled my horn in the dust. (21) It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump. (22) Many victims of burglary feel their homes have been defiled. (23) Hindus attach great importance to food, and her presence where it was prepared defiled everything the community ate. (24) Chinatown child, you're a Chinatown child, cursed by the temple your father defiled. (25) Abusive behavior starts in the heart of one person, but eventually the whole system is defiled. (26) Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. (27) I will set my face against that man and I will cut him off from his people; for by giving his children to Molech, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. (28) One has committed abomination with his neighbor's wife and another has lewdly defiled his daughter-in-law And another in you has humbled his sister, his father's daughter. (29) Other people -which were to them like Action Man toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled - become as meaningless in their humanity as pixillated dots on a screen. (30) I declare, and I must declare, that the Order is innocent. Its purity and saintliness have never been defiled.