快好知 kuaihz

1. They decided to call the baby Brooklyn. 2. We drove east along Brooklyn Avenue. 3. He was a star outfielder for the Brooklyn Dodgers. 4. The Brooklyn Bridge carries traffic across the East River from Brooklyn to Manhattan. 5. Reiss used his Brooklyn home as security for the loan. 6. The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River from Brooklyn to Manhattan. 7. One woman in Brooklyn lost a husband and two sons in the gang wars. 8. The Brooklyn Bridge links Brooklyn and Manhattan. 9. The poor thing lives in Brooklyn. 10. Ireland is no better than Brooklyn. 11. Jenny found an apartment in Brooklyn. 12. The ferry docked in Brooklyn with a loud thud. 13. Kahan was ordained in Brooklyn in 1938. 14. The Brooklyn Museum sacked employees, cancelled exhibitions, and closed one extra day a week. 15. And Judith Steinway's streetwise Brooklyn fiction, delivered in staccato tones, surprised me also by its quality. 16. A deckhand on the ferry from Brooklyn whistled the tune, and the words floated up from nowhere. 17. Joseph is a disgruntled Brooklyn teenager who, when he doesn't get into Columbia, fills up with ennui. 18. By that time Bechet had settled in Brooklyn, where he began teaching to help his pocket. 19. He rarely left the Brooklyn apartment where he had set up house. 20. Brooklyn born, he gave up academia in the 70's to work in theatre and write plays. 21. He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn. 22. The rest of us, like spokes on a wheel, lived nearby in Brooklyn or on Long island. 23. I told him I had an appointment in the afternoon in Brooklyn. 24. The rent on his portion of an apartment in the projects in central Brooklyn was $ 150. 25. At Houston Street we are jeered by a group of Brooklyn punks. 26. Perfetti has sales of Euros 700m in 50 countries with gum and sweets such as Brooklyn, Vigorsol and Vivident. 27. I learned the meaning of the word first from watching old ladies at the beach in Brooklyn. 28. So I was supposed to meet this bike trainer this afternoon in Brooklyn, right? 29. Later that year she opened a birth control clinic in Brooklyn. 30. Max grew up in a particularly rough part of Brooklyn.