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coffee table造句
1. There is a used glass on the coffee table. 2. She fell against our coffee table and got a large bump on her forehead. 3. The lid, turned upside down, served as a coffee table. 4. Horgan straightens the papers on the coffee table. 5. He tosses the book on the coffee table. 6. Today's paper is over on the coffee table. 7. Pictures of her family covered the coffee table. 8. A cut glass tumbler sat on the coffee table beside a bottle of gin and a bottle of tonic water. 9. On a lavishly embossed coffee table before us lies the justification for this grot-pop superpower summit. 10. Auster put the check on the coffee table, as if to say the matter had been settled. 11. The techniques of the coffee table brigade were seeping through into academia, which was no bad thing. 12. Love Thirty will sit comfortably on any coffee table, any bookstall. 13. He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table. 14. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table. 15. He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table. 16. Alice clutched the brandy glass, then set it down on the coffee table. 17. He helps himself to a mint from a fancy glass bowl on the coffee table. 18. He tapped Alice lightly on the knee with the newspaper and tossed it on the coffee table in front of her. 19. Do we really want him on our couch with his feet up on our coffee table? 20. She wanders over to a shelf as he watches her-and picks out a quite smart coffee table book. 21. Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback, except for the specialized and coffee table markets. 22. He made periodic dives at the bowl of cherries poised on a coffee table by the sofa. 23. There are like hundreds more that are going to be in a coffee table book by the end of the year. 24. She slipped the safety catch into place and deposited the gun on the coffee table beside her. 25. And I also learned there is more to shell collecting than picking up a few for the condo coffee table. 26. The flick of the gold lighter kept on the coffee table was sharp as an electric shock in a room of steel. 27. He placed his cup and its flooded saucer separately on the coffee table and sat back in his chair. 28. Made from rattan, the range comprises a two-seater sofa, chair, footstool, coffee table, side table and planter. 29. Alice put on her glasses and spread her books and notes over the coffee table. 30. There was a stack of glossy magazines on the coffee table.