快好知 kuaihz

1. Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory. 2. He is in favour of gradual, evolutionary social change. 3. Where do birds come on the evolutionary scale? 4. Humans are on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder. 5. Other evolutionary theories of ageing have been proposed. 6. The evolutionary history of Figure 4 is a reconstruction. 7. Fisher imagined the following evolutionary sequence. 8. Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements. 9. Were metazoans part of that evolutionary event? 10. Bernards, in an evolutionary eye blink. 11. He thinks they have reached an evolutionary dead end. 12. Drugs, too, lead to evolutionary change. 13. This evolutionary process will be different for each company. 14. Social selection is undoubtedly one of the main evolutionary processes responsible for the emergence of ... behavioural characteristics. 15. Figure 4 shows one particular evolutionary history consisting of no more than 29 generations. 17. The sources of extrapolation theory, like those of evolutionary theory generally, are numerous. 18. Nowhere else does the evolutionary battle take place in an arena where, in effect, one player holds all the cards. 19. Every evolutionary history consists of a particular pathway, or trajectory, through genetic space. 20. An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay. 21. Ethology has always been profoundly concerned with evolutionary development, with phylogeny. 22. In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector. 23. All the organisms in an ecosystem are part of an evolutionary continuum. 24. Such a unit of goodness has been defined as the result of the slightest favourable evolutionary change that could occur. 25. But to the ethologist, every species is fascinating - the end-point of millions of years of complex evolutionary pressures. 26. Not everyone was convinced, however, and there were many efforts by anti-Darwinians to provide evidence in favour of alternative evolutionary mechanisms. 27. Indeed it does, and that is exactly what the evolutionary theory would predict. 28. But after the Council, the Church had opened itself increasingly to the insights of modern psychology and evolutionary biology. 29. This gives a more powerful bite, and thus represents an important evolutionary advantage. 30. The need for analogue computers will grow with the realization that whole new fields will be opened up by evolutionary computing.