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241, Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar? 242, Snack Bar is the place where fast - food service is available. 243, You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal. 244, Made with white peas, pea flour cake is a favorite springtime snack, and was very popular among members of the imperial court. 245, Experts say potatoes raise blood-glucose concentration quickly, as do snack chips, white bread, low-fiber breakfast cereals, and breakfast bars. 246, Besides electric, its most developed industries are: iron casting, rubber manufacturing, logistics and snack food industry. 247, Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. 247,try its best to gather and create good sentences. 248, Of course, like in regular movie theaters, you can visit the snack counter for typical snacks such as buttered popcorn, hot dogs, soft drinks, etc. 249, Many schools now feature not only soda and snack machines but on - site outlets for fast-food chains. 250, At five, she was once blocked by several other children in the gutter, her snack and crystal hairpin being reft . 251, Buy: Fruit juices, Canned Food, Nuts & Pasta, Snack Foods, Tea. 252, THE HOST: Now, bamboo until recently was something you made furniture out of or watched a panda bear chewing into for a snack. 253, Where did you have your lunch? I had my lunch in a snack bar nearby. 254, Odd sleep patterns increase the danger of napping through a snack or mealtime. 255, A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military installation. 256, I've priced it out and buying a tub of pretzels and parceling them into snack bags is literally 3 times cheaper than buying the individual bags.