快好知 kuaihz

1. The hotel is delightfully situated close to the waterfront. 2. James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance. 3. He had a delightfully dry sense of humour. 4. The film is delightfully humorous in the best traditions of romantic comedy. 5. There is something delightfully and liberatingly ludicrous about parading higgledy - piggledy in a line of walkers of all shapes and sizes. 6. The hotel is delightfully situated on the edge of the lake. 7. The little stream is delightfully clear and bright. 8. Nevertheless, she is delightfully forthright, alert and amusing. 9. Lynda Steadman is delightfully twitchy and broken as Annie, the more sensitive friend. 10. A delightfully frank account of its development shows some of the less scientific problems of discovery. 11. Its woodland walks are delightfully peaceful and plead for exploration not only in summer but throughout the year. 12. The three women, each delightfully and authentically costumed, are at first startled by the others. 13. Peter Mitchell was delightfully informal, a connoisseur of the unexpected and unconventional. 14. It was delightfully obvious that she had nothing on under her dress but her pale peachy skin. 15. And there is something delightfully weird about tall dogs in spotted white spandex outfits on ice skates behaving like the Rockettes. 16. Usually a cheerful person with a delightfully wicked sense of humor, Hiroko-san is uncharacteristically somber when I call. 17. "Roman Holiday" is a delightfully airy romance starring Audrey Hepburn. 18. It is all perfectly simple, and delightfully automatic and unpremeditated. 19. It was one of those delightfully irregular houses. 20. The evening is delightfully cool. 21. Hayward could still talk delightfully about books. 22. I am feeling listlessly comfortable and delightfully irresponsible. 23. The room is delightfully appointed. 24. The endorphins linger , delightfully , for hours afterwards. 25. The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. 26. So the nightingale came forth and sang so delightfully that at first no one could say anything ill-humored of her. 27. In summer, that gushing sound would be refreshingly cool and delightfully soporific. 28. North read it out at his trial four years later as evidence of approval, but it was all delightfully vague. 29. Still, while it may not be definitive, it certainly is delightfully dishy. 30. It was armchair diving - so comfortable, so relaxed, so delightfully lazy.