快好知 kuaihz

1. The two men were exact contemporaries at university. 2. He and I were contemporaries at school. 3. Give or take a few years, they are contemporaries. 4. She and I were contemporaries at college. 5. Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different world. 6. Oswald was much admired by his contemporaries at the Academy. 7. She didn't mix with her contemporaries, prefering the company of older people. 8. Contemporaries certainly regarded them in this light. 9. Rolle made a great impression on his contemporaries. 10. But this was not clear to contemporaries. 11. Oh, how puny my contemporaries seem by comparison! 12. To my contemporaries then at this time, a helmet was possessed of immense symbolic importance. 13. Many contemporaries believed that Richard was unwilling to wait until the two Kings had completed their long-drawn-out preparations. 14. The following portrait sketches by contemporaries are, there-fore, of special interest. 15. But those are experiences which Clinton and his contemporaries in leadership know only from the history books. 16. What mattered here was how contemporaries chose to describe the events that happened in 1688-9. 17. Most Contemporaries will not make the transition; they will merely become dated and irrelevant and will eventually go out of print. 18. His contemporaries believed he made his sister-in-law take out substantial life insurance and then poisoned her. 19. For his contemporaries, Gloucester clearly filled a double role, as is illustrated by his dealings with the city of York. 20. Dickens was in a different class from most of his contemporaries. 21. The simplest explanation for his achievements lies in his greater ability and superiority over his contemporaries at university. 22. Her paintings are second - rate productions, alongside those of some of her contemporaries. 23. His works are second - rate productions , alongside of those of some of his contemporaries. 24. I did make my escape from Roundhay - by a route taken by many of my contemporaries: higher education. 25. The reality of Citrine's position was somewhat less dramatic than was sometimes imagined by contemporaries. 26. I still have an abundance of energy that leaves my contemporaries standing. 27. Atkins is still working, long after many of his contemporaries have retired. 28. But because it was idealistic it was the more persuasive when he preached it to his young contemporaries. 29. Her attitude toward individual patrons sets her beyond most of her contemporaries in defending the integrity of her work. 30. Only so, furthermore, will he have the ability to compete with his contemporaries in what is a world-wide competition.