快好知 kuaihz

1. The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers. 2. In humans, tubular magnesium, secretion is not important physiologically. 3. Secretion of growth hormone was not assessed. 4. Both are potent known inhibitors of pancreatic secretion. 5. Jejunal secretion is, however, known to occasionally occur in healthy subjects. 6. In the case of pancreatic secretion, stimulation of bicarbonate but not protein output was observed. 7. The timing of active hydrogen ion secretion, however, remains unknown. 8. The secretion of these hormonal peptides, particularly from the colon, is therefore likely to entail other mechanisms. 9. For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables. 10. Excessive secretion of aldosterone will increase renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, therefore, decrease the loss of sodium in the urine. 11. Increased histamine secretion was not, however, associated with increased acid or pepsin output at day 7. 12. Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption. 13. Continued secretion of cations into gastrointestinal fluids may therefore be important in influencing the absorption of dietary trace metals. 14. To overcome this problem we have measured gastrin mediated acid secretion after the intravenous infusion of gastrin releasing peptide. 15. There was a positive correlation between the number of months elapsed since a patient's most recent attack and amylase secretion. 16. Experiments were therefore designed to try to show the existence of bicarbonate secretion by the normal human oesophagus. 17. This is shown clinically by the decrease or total loss of secretion of the affected glands. 18. Discussion Duodenal ulcer disease has traditionally been associated with excess secretion of gastric acid. 18.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 19. Thus H pylori infection combined with active ulceration may cause the increased basal acid secretion seen in duodenal ulcer disease. 20. The quantitative effects of the drugs were related to the rate of fluid secretion or absorption. 21. To compare the effect of different substances on gastric acid secretion proper control solutions comparable with the test solution should be used. 22. Early studies by Cooke showed that ethanol in concentrations of 1% to 20% did not stimulate gastric acid secretion. 23. There has been debate as to whether this should be calculated with or without subtraction of basal acid secretion. 24. Sufferers tend to have greasy skin due to an increase in the secretion of sebum, the oily substance from the sebaceous glands. 25. At the same time the enterotoxin also promotes a net secretion of chloride ions into the gut lumen from the epithelial cells. 26. Beverages with higher alcohol content such as whisky and cognac did not stimulate acid secretion. 27. The exact reason why beverages with higher ethanol content do not stimulate acid secretion is also not known. 28. When the insect is ready to mature, juvenile hormone secretion must stop and allatostatin provides the signal. 29. Children who are malnourished with chronic diarrhoea have defective gastric acid secretion. 30. Recent controlled studies have served to clarify the different aspects of the interaction between alcohol and gastric acid secretion.