快好知 kuaihz

stay in造句
61. Let's stay in tonight and watch a video. 62. Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids. 63. They are determined to stay in until their demands are met. 64. He had originally intended to stay in the country for only a year or two. 65. We decided to go for self-catering rather than stay in a hotel. 66. If the collar won 't stay in place, I shall have to pin it back. 67. He has lots of happy memories of his stay in Japan. 68. If you stay in the sun too long you'll get heat rash. 69. Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people. 70. There's no room for complacency if we want to stay in this competition! 71. Stay in a hotel? Don't be so soft. I want to camp out under the stars. 72. Have you told him the news yet? It is often used with 'that' clauses:Anne told me she was tired. Tell is usually when somebody is giving facts or information, often with what, where, etc.:Can you tell me when the movie starts? Tell is also used when you are giving somebody instructions:The doctor told me to stay in bed. 73. She had to stay in hospital overnight, just as a precaution. 74. We crammed in as much sightseeing as possible during our stay in New York. 75. In order to stay in business , you must do better than your competitors. 76. He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital. 77. The problem with employing people who are overqualified for the job is that they often don't stay in it for long. 78. It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa. 79. We can eat out if you like,[http:///stay in.html] but I would prefer to stay in. 80. We will stay in this country, as we don't want her schooling to suffer. 81. There are no bank charges if you stay in credit. 82. He was nearing the end of his stay in India. 83. The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them. 84. Shall we eat out or stay in? It's up to you. 85. If I stay in the sun too long my skin peels. 86. I'd rather stay in this evening, if that's all right with you. 87. I only saw her once during my stay in Rome. 88. The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble. 89. I would die a very happy person if I could stay in music my whole life. 90. As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they'reaway.