快好知 kuaihz

1. They have a diameter of about three micrometers. 2. Measure the diameter of wire with 0.01 mm micrometer. 3. Micrometer on instrument used to measure thickness. 4. The ocular micrometer is a circular diameter graticule. 5. The measures including micrometer, calipers, depth gauge etc. 6. A new type of capacitance micrometer is introduced. 7. A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter. 8. Completed ability to use inside and outside micrometer, caliper. 9. Measurement of minute objects with a micrometer. 10. Use measuring instrument, such as micrometer and gauge. 11. Methods:All the corneal leucoma cases were chosen suing Micrometer preoperatively to measure the diameter of the corneal leucoma and the whole corneal. 12. An optical telescope with a micrometer is used to precisely adjust the polar axis of an equatorial radio telescope and any precise dial and clock will not be needed. 13. Adjustable concentric tray micrometer adjust wide Loading unloading structure can adjust ACF tacking wide correctly. 14. Inside diameter micrometer micrometer plug gauge thread gauge digital calipers height gauge and other testing tools. 15. The reformed in- side micrometer is convenient and rapid in operation, the accuracy is high in measurement, and convenient for digital administration during inspection and repair of vehicles. 16. Precision hot head, high - precision micrometer simple adjustments digital platform can be set at different temperatures. 17. The micrometer data for the continuous growth of cloacal gland is parallelly correlated with the data of testis weighing. 18. The design of the most important part of micrometer can be seen in Fig . 2 - 28 . 19. The portable intelligent digit display micrometer is a new type of micrometer with high accuracy. 20. A method to reform the mechanical in- side micrometer for bearings into the intelligent digit- al inside micrometer is put forward. 21. And you had to sign a chit to use things like the height gauge, the big micrometers, calipers. 22. All three have different-shaped absorption features at wavelengths close to three micrometers. 23. Single-mode fibres also operate at 1.3 micrometres, but they have cores only a few micrometers across. 24. The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures. 25. She appeared to be searching for dust, fussing over square micrometers where maybe some of it had landed. 26. The exact computing formulas for the normal chord length and the set angle of the gear tooth micrometer callipers have been derived here. 27. Inspects worn dies to ascertain extent of wear, using loupe, steel gauge pins, and micrometer. 28. Methods:The coiled shapes of Trichinella isolated ML were observed under microscopes, then the lengths and widths of ML encystment(encysted index)were measured at random by micrometer. 29. In noninvolute helical gear treatment, it is a better method to measure the normal chord length of the gear by the gear tooth micrometer callipers. 30. The results indicate that the trunk length of the dendritic structure can reach a dozen even dozens of micrometer and the branch is clear and parallel.