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31. Right now, payroll taxes are bringing in far more each year than the system is paying in benefits. 32. The financial administrative functions include budgeting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll and personnel. 33. Workers can contribute via payroll deduction to the stock, bond or treasury funds. 34. Today the employer-employee payroll tax burden has hit a joint 15. 3 %, if you include Medicare. 35. Currently, the system collects much more in payroll taxes than it pays out in benefits. 36. Vouchers, top-up insurance, and a payroll tax are also considered but their disadvantages are listed. 37. Indeed, many people have faced personal liability for the withheld payroll taxes of a company owned by some one else. 38. If you have even a few employees, payroll taxes mount quickly. 39. He knew exactly who was on every payroll and at what salary. 40. All those taxes and regulations force small business to keep nonproductive employees on the payroll. 41. Losing an independent contractor case can cost you more than payroll taxes; it can cost you your pension plan. 42. Payroll allocations can be changed only during an open season. 43. And he defended eight of the 14 people listed as ghost employees on the payroll of then-Rep. 44. I know for a fact that Cesar's got policemen on his payroll. 45. In the past, Massachusetts companies were taxed on a combination of all sales, property values and payroll. 46. Payroll taxes are levied only on wages and salaries-not profits, interest, dividends, or capital gains. 47. He is in for the ride, so he must be on the payroll. 48. The spies' payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials. 49. During his brief five-month tenure Schlesinger chopped more than two thousand employees from the payroll. 50. Therefore, you are ordered herewith to shut up about the Marlins' payroll. 51. We improved the ways the center kept track of its payroll and the services it rendered. 52. This new private account would be imposed atop the current 12. 4 percent payroll tax. 53. Under the programme employers would be required to invest at least 0.5 percent of their payroll in training. 55. Meanwhile, the Labor report also said that the number of payroll jobs continued to rise strongly last month. 56. It just doesn't make sense to keep all these people on the payroll. 57. Wehrle said the state payroll tax for health care might be considered prohibited regulation and is sure to be challenged in court. 58. Some hotels use accounting machines which can produce the payroll, tax deduction records and payslips simultaneously. 59. Khare pays Kelly a flat weekly fee for Baltzersen, avoiding disability insurance, benefits and payroll costs. 60. To save money, many companies are putting their secretaries on the payroll of temporary personnel companies.