快好知 kuaihz

1) She stood hesitating on the threshold. 2) She replied without hesitating. 3) She stood there, hesitating over whether or not to tell him the truth. 4) Do you know why he was mulling and hesitating? 5) He's still hesitating about joining the expedition. 6) He stood hesitating over whether to join the fight. 7) He was hesitating between a glass of wine and an orange juice. 8) Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage. 9) He's still hesitating about joining / over whether to join the expedition. 10) He was still hesitating over whether to leave or not. 11) Barry stood at the door, hesitating. Should he walk straight in or knock? 12) Had she driven poor Tina away by hesitating about paying for the installation of a bathroom? 13) Hesitating, as if trying to make out the numbers on the house fronts, which were perfectly clear. 14) And when you stood hesitating before you unhitched the bow line, rush built to flood. 15) He was hesitating now, realizing he had made a mistake in not telling Spider earlier that he was quitting. 16) As she stood on the crimson carpet, hesitating, the chandeliers suddenly flashed on, dispelling the gloom. 17) He lifted his hand, hesitating, but withdrew it again and sat awhile, quite still. 18) Hesitating, Eline pushed open the door, it seemed fatuous to knock, a foolish act of politeness in the circumstances. 19) And predators may be hesitating longer than i the past, over due diligence studies. 20) She could feel him hesitating, shoulders hunching with the sense of something wrong. 21) Roy Cronin: For hesitating! No more hesitating for you! 22) What do you infer from this man's hesitating manner? 23) Zach is hesitating to borrow his laptop to me. 24) Time is running short. Stop hesitating. 25) She is a hesitating girl's, because she have calm! 26) The Earl was a weak and hesitating man. 27) He is a candid person, who consents without hesitating. 28) Unless you stop hesitating, life will pass you by! 29) The thought came to him in an instant as he stood, hesitating over whether to join the fight. 30) Despite the risk, Yamamoto could see no reason for hesitating to take the gamble.