快好知 kuaihz

1. They are incapable of thinking intelligently about politics. 2. Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.Lao Tzu 3. An intelligently wired house would be a life saver to the disabled and elderly. 4. Aeration used intelligently is a boon to the maintenance of the health and vitality of the fishes. 5. The topic can not be intelligently discussed without admitting that incentives matter. 6. As a poet, I think I write intelligently, but I’m not an intellectual.Gulzar 7. On the other hand, intelligently entertaining and communicative works provide a background from which works of genius can emerge. 8. We must encourage them to use paint intelligently and give them suitable colours. 9. He needed intelligently and forthrightly to answer her charges and demonstrate sympathy for her embattled position. 10. To converse intelligently these days, you better know your acronyms. 11. Look back intelligently and analytically peruse TV history. 12. It is a practical meaning that forecast intelligently and statistics quickly data in the electric material system to save money and economize labour force by the technology of the Data Mining. 13. The garbage collection algorithm can then intelligently decide what to reclaim in a reasonable way. 14. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.Henry Ford 15. These days, universities can not afford to lose money, however intelligently. 16. After a careful diagnosis he is able to prescribe intelligently the best remedial or corrective measures. 17. Both require political intervention: the market alone has no capacity to act responsibly or intelligently. 18. This kind of collection, though usually available individually, is increasingly and intelligently proving to be a marketing ploy. 19. I like people to ask me intelligent questions and I will answer intelligently. 20. So the first job for us is to starve them of possession; the second to use our ball intelligently. 21. A survey is a very helpful way to begin to research the areas intelligently. 22. A man's wisdom enables him to see and understand what is right and true, what is desirable and undesirable, as well as to think and judge intelligently and wisely.Dr T.P.Chia 23. If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently.Dr T.P.Chia 24. Martin Russell floated the ball into the goalmouth where Cowan intelligently stepped over it and there was Strain to finish it off. 25. The specification of each of these processors as well as a control system to combine them intelligently is currently far beyond any expectations. 26. For the reasons just described. people may not have an incentive to assemble the information required to vote intelligently. 27. Given the opportunity, could so many electors have chosen intelligently between so many candidates? 28. Therefore as long as at least minimal best practices for tape storage are adhered to, tape remains the silent defender of data at the back end of any intelligently designed storage system. 29. He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently. 30. Intelligent instrument is a measurement a microprocessor inner and behaves intelligently.