快好知 kuaihz

1. The fans have done the game a great disservice. 2. The minister's comments do teachers a great disservice. 3. The technician has done a serious disservice to his company by disclosing the kerneled secrets about its main products to other companies. 4. She has done a great disservice to her cause by suggesting that violence is justifiable. 5. She did her cause great disservice by concealing the truth. 6. He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation. 7. This violence will do a grave disservice to their cause. 8. Well, it does them a great disservice. 9. This kind of jiggery-pokery does them a disservice. 10. Such uninformed views do the industry a disservice. 11. Many perform a great disservice to their members by failing to represent their interests independently and fairly. 12. Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes. 13. In this case, the term does a great disservice to horses. 14. Am I really doing him a disservice if I leave it as one big C: drive? 15. The remedial programs we knew about did a disservice to their students by thinking of them as remedial. 16. Such behaviour is a disservice to patients and the profession. 17. I would have done her a disservice had I immediately jumped in to help. 18. This a disservice to ISKCON and its leaders. 19. In this it has done mankind a great disservice. 20. Actually what he said did me quite a disservice. 21. They do a great disservice to our society. 22. Stress management experts, however, are now suggesting that auger has been done a great disservice. 23. Those who learn but do not thinking is doing a disservice to learning and themselves–just as bad as thinking without learning.Dr T.P.Chia 24. By confusing unrelated issues and taking information out of context, you do readers a great disservice. 25. The evidence from excellent companies strongly suggests that managers who feel this way are doing them selves a disservice. 26. But our noblesse oblige may be doing youths an extreme disservice. 27. The fans' rude behavior has done the game a great disservice. 28. To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice. 29. But they quickly realised the judge had done them a great disservice and that his report hinged on a massive irony. 30. When Mr Non-Productive Employee gets a raise, it does a disservice to the productive employee.