快好知 kuaihz

91. The document has two explanatory notes attached to it. 92. He interspersed the text with explanatory diagrams. 93. I added a brief explanatory comment to it. 94. Definition of terms is provided at Explanatory Note 2. 95. The subject may merit a brief explanatory note. 96. Acritical or explanatory note; a commentary. 97. This disposition is often used as an explanatory principle in biology and psychology. 98. Using the Implicit Association Test(IAT) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias(SEB), the present study investigated college students' occupation-sex stereotype. 99. Without Chinese explanatory memorandum, the data recorded quickly with English is needed to check. 100. CAPTION line should be self explanatory ( that means title ). 101. When acceded to the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, three aspects of systemize commitment has apparent additive explanatory effect on the variables. 102. Moreover, the explanatory prose is haphazard (and not infrequently wrong or incoherent -- for example, I cannot make heads or tails of the lead-in to the very first example, prime.py). 103. Based on different learning theories, explanatory and communicant languages(talking) in science teaching have a respective aim, characteristic and different demand. 104. An electronic version, Eldred thought, with links to pictures and explanatory text, would make this nineteenth-century author's work come alive. 105. For details of Performance Fee, please refer to the Fund's Explanatory Memorandum . 106. This is a pattern that many websites have used for years—put some example or explanatory text inside the text box—but the developer always had to hack the code. 107. The sorrowful demeanour , the tremolo music, the long, explanatory , cumulative addresses, all were there. 108. Different dynamic-models based on diacritical investigation modes, intentions and analysis angles have divergent mechanism and explanatory functions. 109. Explanatory Undo is, generally , a much more pleasant feature than blind Undo. 110. Moreover , supply shocks have a small but significant explanatory real exchange rate variations only in France. 111. Multiple regression models can accommodate many explanatory variables that may be correlated. 112. Place names and explanatory text are superimposed over objects seen through the viewer"s screen, and animated graphics show how some structures were built or destroyed." 113. This explanatory note seems to be closer to what is ment by the author. 114. The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing. 115. Forza 2's upgrade system is easy to understand, thanks to some explanatory text, simple statistics and benchmark tests. 116. The design mainly includes prolegomenon, on-site investigations records, design interpretation, budget explanatory notes, budgetary estimate chart and project illustration. 117. WPLS not only takes the advantage of PLS to extract most explanatory variables, but also improves generalization property through the weight of samples and SRM is achieved with interpretable model. 118. Dumbledore leaves Harry with an explanatory note in a basket in front of the Dursley home. 119. Annotation: The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes. 120. Because of the confused role time plays in quantum mechanics, the references and meanings of energy—time uncertainty relation are different in different explanatory contexts.