快好知 kuaihz

(1) The children sat silent on the carpet, entranced by the puppet show. (2) As soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice. (3) She was entranced in thought. (4) He stood entranced of the sight. (5) He is entranced by the kindness of her smile. (6) They were completely entranced by/with the music. (7) I was entranced by the sweetness of her voice. (8) We sat entranced by her beauty. (9) For the next three hours we sat entranced as the train made its way up the mountains. (10) She entranced them with her intellect and the joy of her company. (11) She glanced sideways at Nevil who was sitting entranced. (12) Her icy[http://], delicate beauty entranced Kay. (13) I was entranced by her sheer beauty. (14) He listened to her, entranced. (15) He was immediately entranced by her voice and built a band called Ton Ton Macoute around her. (16) I started making good swings, and I became entranced by what I was doing. (17) You know I did, I was entranced by them the other day. (18) Johnson was entranced by the $ 175-per-week salary and decided to stick around. (19) He was entranced by his own thoughts, and dazzled by the elegant simplicity of his conspiracy theories. (20) Entranced, she watched herself watching them as they spiralled to earth around her. (21) Some became entranced by the strange room itself, its gurneys row on row, each one holding a sterile bagged corpse. (22) For every person entranced by its beauty, there has been another seduced by its power. (23) A hypnotist looks for subjects who are easily entranced. (24) The girl was entranced with fear. (25) I became entranced with the idea. (26) It was as if the whole city were entranced. (27) These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours. (28) He tossed the salad tableside in big wooden bowls with much theatrical flair and the customers were entranced. (29) Nearby is Sea World, the home of sea lions, killer whales and other marine animals which perform before entranced audiences. (30) I felt thrilled to be back in Abyssinia and stared entranced at the arid landscape of the Danakil desert.