快好知 kuaihz

1. He had grossly misused his power. 2. Even harmless drugs can be misused. 3. He felt misused by the company. 4. You've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files. 5. The term 'schizophrenia' is often misused. 6. "Marketing" is a widely misused word in the book business. 7. He misused his dog shamefully. 8. The burden of proving that the authority had misused its powers rested with the applicant for judicial review. 9. Though often misused, it can result in benefits to some sections of the community for which the cadres claim credit. 10. The most misused of these is page makeup or page layout software while the second is just described as desktop publishing software. 11. He misused public funds to build and furnish his home. 12. So focus on making a misused organisation work. 13. Furthermore, minerals refuse to be misused again. 14. This principle, however, has been misused and misunderstood. 15. Misused words often generate misleading thoughts. 16. Models can be misused or misinterpreted. 17. But my trust has been misused by many people. 18. In some cases, insecticides are deliberately misused. 19. It's believed tens of thousands of pounds of public money has been misused. 20. We should not oppose the principle of compulsory treatment simply because it could be misused. 21. Finally he asked us to pray to be forgiven for the times when we had misused our authority. 22. It's meant for children with growth problems, and can be highly dangerous if misused. 23. This part of the Act has been strongly criticized and to some extent misused for a minority of very difficult cases. 24. But, again, the commission found no hard evidence that Mr Wahid had lied or misused the money. 25. Futurists call this kind of fundamental transformation a paradigm shift, although the term is now a misused buzzword for any change. 26. Several new members complained that their subscriptions had been misused, but nobody running the society bothered to answer the complaints. 27. It is clear that the independent counsel law has been misused or at least overused. 28. Because there is such a wide range of substances there are many ways they can be misused. 29. Third, carers have power over dependent vulnerable relatives regardless of the stress of caring, and that power can be misused. 30. Measures must be taken to prevent confidential data from being misused.