快好知 kuaihz

safe and sound造句
1. I'm glad to see you home safe and sound. 2. The missing children were found safe and sound. 3. He arrived in England safe and sound. 4. The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound. 5. They turned up safe and sound. 6. They returned from their adventure safe and sound. 7. We arrived home safe and sound. 8. The fragile china survived the bumpy journey safe and sound. 9. He telegraphed that he had arrived in London safe and sound. 10. Cling to him, and we shall be safe and sound from every danger. 11. They have got home safe and sound. 12. Happily, all have returned safe and sound. 13. Now we have arrived back home safe and sound. 14. They arrived safe and sound. 15. The house remained safe and sound after the earthquake. 16. She came back home safe and sound. 17. During the beautiful time, our friendship, safe and sound. 18. They returned home safe and sound. 19. Now I'm safe and sound. 20. Their flight arrived at Lhasa Airport safe and sound. 21. Anyway, you're here safe and sound; that's all that matters. 22. After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound. 23. All I'm hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he will come home safe and sound. 24. I can't relax until I know you have arrived safe and sound. 25. Babysitters are available so that you can dance till dawn, secure in the knowledge that your kids are safe and sound. 26. The missing children were eventually found at a friend's house, safe and sound. 27. Unlike the characters in the two previous novels, the protagonist emerges safe and sound from her semiotic entanglements. 28. They were indeed what they could only have been-the two scouting vessels which had returned, safe and sound. 29. Ringing from her local radio station, she heard her husband Duane is safe and sound. 30. Internal control over bank accounting is a necessary measure to prevent against financial risks and keep commercial banks' operation safe and sound.