快好知 kuaihz

91. One day the assembly line is grinding out station wagons or Styrofoam, the next day jeeps or Plexiglas. 92. This was achieved by initially breaking the clinker with stone crushers before grinding. 93. The other still has insitu the wooden undershot waterwheel installed to drive its grinding machinery. 94. He is extremely serious, speaks slowly-almost grinding to a complete halt at times-and is not exactly the happy optimist. 95. Students know it by different names in different towns: freaking, grinding, jacking, booty dancing, the nasty. 96. The economy was mixed with remains of wheat, grinding stones and iron sickles indicating agriculture alongside the remains of domestic animals. 97. The seas powdering our bones like quartz, making sand, grinding our peace for us by the aeon. 98. Their first years together were a time of grinding poverty. 99. With a start he realized they were his teeth and he was grinding them. 100. The President was grinding his mandibles, but forcing himself to smile. 101. This alarm sounds like a gigantic pencil-sharpener grinding up something awful. 102. And found to his annoyance that he was grinding his teeth. 103. The truck was grinding up the steep, dark road while I looked up to the stars in the clear alpine air..com 104. In twenty seconds more they were gone, to the sound of spinning wheels on the ice and grinding gears. 105. Soon, Andrew Kay invented and patented a machine for grinding stones of a standard shape and improved finish. 106. It's my husband Deardrie - he keeps me awake at night, grinding his teeth! 107. There they used the water power to drive large hammers and grinding wheels made of the local Millstone Grit. 108. Yet, regrettably, the lasting impression is of a merely superficial look at grinding poverty. 109. Until recently her life had been an endless cycle of grinding poverty and growing hopelessness. 110. The mill has been restored and can be seen grinding wholemeal flour on weekdays and Sunday afternoons between Easter and October. 111. After that they were consigned to a tackling chore of grinding intensity. 112. For centuries, traditional windmills harnessed the wind to drive machinery for grinding wheat into flour. 113. After processing grinding buckwheat, buckwheat noodles become. 114. Never clean it with bleaching agent and grinding agent. 115. The cook is grinding the carrot into threadlike thing. 116. Servo motor (6) dresses grinding wheel by feed-in. 117. Grinding milling cutter, reamer, broach and other cutting tools. 118. Testing and cortrolling methods of grinding badness layer of bearings working surface. 119. XEBEC Cutting Fiber shows superior grinding performance in wet processing of aluminium alloys. 120. The stress and grinding mechanism of a single magnetic abrasive grain in the magnetic abrasive finishing are analyzed. The required properties and preparation technologies of MAGS are discussed.