快好知 kuaihz

91. She could feel nothing, as if her entire body were mummified in thick wads of flavourless chewing gum. 92. Chewing on her lower lip, she trundled after him along a flagged passageway and up an ornate wooden staircase. 93. Lee sat reading, folded over the book, chewing a knuckle now. 94. Some smokers use chewing gum containing nicotine to help them kick the habit. 95. This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.Elbert Hubbard 96. Unfortunately, a glance over the rise will usually reveal a fat sheep chewing vacantly at some grass. 97. She stuck her chewing gum on the bottom of the chair. 97.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 98. Chewing gives psychological satisfaction, and even in scientific experiments the chewing of gum has been found to help reduce tension. 99. But a child chewing one of these Castor beans would very likely die. 100. He never appeared on stage without a rope in his hand and chewing gum in his mouth. 101. Clench the jaws, as if chewing hard, while pushing your tongue hard against the roof of your mouth. 102. He watched silently and impassively, chewing his overdone steak, and retrieving his cigarette from the ashtray between courses. 103. When it had finished chewing, it lifted its head, and the light of its antlers dimmed to a discreet glow. 104. He'd pushed forkfuls of food into his mouth, chewing it mechanically, drinking water to make swallowing easier. 105. Secondly, hemiplegic patients often have difficulties eating, chewing and swallowing, and this can seem repulsive to the carer. 106. With smoking now prohibited on so many flights, airlines may face another problem: chewing gum. 107. She stood there watching the house and chewing herself up. 108. And there one writing, probably a letter, holding the paper sideways and chewing her nails. 109. At dinner parties, people were so busy chewing there was scarcely time for conversation. 110. It was chewing the rope with its ugly yellow teeth. 111. Hugh Farnham was discovered in a retirement home in Florida, living under an assumed identity, obsessively chewing on his rusks. 112. After a while she noticed his reflected look and looked back, chewing on the leather chinstrap. 113. She began to bite her nails, chewing at them viciously until the blood welled up. 114. Here and there you see a black-bereted soldier chewing a fag on a street corner. 115. He lowered himself into an old leather chair and continued chewing while he waited. 116. By comparison, lottery tickets can be bought as easily as chewing gum at hundreds of retail outlets and news agents. 117. It is as much a pattern of their inner being as is tail-wagging or chewing the cud. 118. She was just chewing her dinner and her jaw locked. 119. His head was still chewing over the problems he had discussed with his young students at the polytechnic. 120. Along with democracy and equality came chewing gum and Christmas.