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penal colony造句
1. Leper colonies are only one entry in this classification of special communities; certain penal colonies would be another. 2. He was appointed superintendent of the penal colony on Norfolk Island in 1840. 3. Australia transformed itself from penal colony to one of the most popular property markets and successful developed economies. 4. Following the settlement of Australia as a British penal colony, the language that emerged reflected the distinct conditions of settlement, authority and punishment. 5. Napoleon III established the penal colony in 1854, and some 80,000 French convicts—criminals, spies and political prisoners—would be sent there before it officially closed in 1938. 6. The Nazi concentration camp and Kafka s penal colony bears a striking resemblance. 7. Another was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. 8. Xinjiang was an important penal colony for 150 years after the Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. 9. The area was settled in 1824 as a penal colony. Population, 734,750. 10. In 1824, the penal colony at Redcliffe was established by Lieutenant John Oxley. Known as the Moreton Bay Settlement, it later moved to the site now called Brisbane. 11. Hughes's book 'The Fatal Shore' is a study of the origins of Australia as a British penal colony. 12. You play Ripley, who has to despatch hordes of alien-infested humans from an underground penal colony. 13. Human-rights groups frequently reported on the harsh conditions of the penal colony, including incidents of torture and murder. 14. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress . Robert Heinlein a penal colony ruled by an iron - fisted administration. 15. An island in the Caribbean Sea off French Guiana. A French penal colony after the 850's, it was used mainly for political prisoners, including Alfred Dreyfus (sequestered 894-899). 16. 1788- the first English settlers arrived in Australia's Botany Bay to establish a penal colony. 17. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein. The moon is a penal colony ruled by an iron-fisted administration. 18. The team of "Multi-future" also explored how those specialists benefited the productivity of the penal colony. 19. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein. The moon is a penal colony ruled by an iron-fisted administration. The citizens want freedom and turn to a self-aware computer for rebellion plans. 20. First inhabited by Cacique Indians and later pirates, it was established in 1919 as a penal colony for Panama’s most dangerous criminals. 21. The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony. 22. Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing the apartheid administration. The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony. 23. Meagher was born in Ireland, where he had been active in the "Young Ireland" nationalist movement and exiled as a result to the British Penal Colony in Tasmania, Australia.