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(1) The long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass. (2) The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs. (3) This underclass has been isolated further by a crucial change in the political climate. (4) The underclass in Dahrendorf's account is not simply the product of unemployment. (5) Without a strong State, this underclass will erupt into fragmented resistance, indicated in social disorder. (6) Much of the problem of the underclass, we continue to believe[http://], arises from perverse incentives rooted in misguided paternalism. (7) The definition of underclass has been disputed over the past two decades. (8) The black population, thus, effectively constitutes an underclass, placed in a structurally different location from the white working class. (9) The government has created an underclass who do not feel they have any rights in society. (10) The underclass has therefore become separated, both in terms of income, life chances and political aspirations. (11) The greater part of the underclass consists of members of minority groups, blacks or people of Hispanic origin. (12) Nor will this underclass disappear without the implementation of a series of policies aimed at re-establishing full citizenship. (13) They prevent most of the underclass from being able to free themselves from welfare dependency. (14) The long - term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass. (15) He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass. (16) The work of Tennyson coexisted with the devastation of an urban underclass described by Dickens. (17) Here he was a punter, a champagne Charlie, dossing with the underclass. (18) Unemployment has played a crucial role both in bringing the underclass into existence and to locking it in place. (19) It is the loss of a comprehensive approach to citizenship that makes it appropriate to talk in terms of an emerging underclass. (20) Such exclusion from citizenship is again the mark of the underclass. (21) A blockage in the movement upward and out of the underclass will not be accepted. (22) On the one hand, he bemoans the development of a political underclass as demonstrated by poll-tax refuseniks and Los Angeles rioters. (23) Yet at the same time he offers the black underclass, and its more urgent needs, little more than benign neglect. (24) A few fear that the outcome could be harmful; they foresee a new underclass, unable to get jobs or insurance. (25) This does not mean that the younger members of the underclass pose no threat to public order. (26) There is here, somewhat exceptionally, a clear legal perception of the role of the underclass. (27) But they vehemently oppose the kind of expenditure that helps the underclass. (28) Both sets of inquiries pointed to the existence of a degenerate underclass of the population which formed a residual pool of infection. (29) More importantly, this interaction is now playing a crucial part in excluding the underclass from the mainstream of society. (30) Accompanying the exclusion from the labour market has been a policy of disenfranchising the underclass from full welfare citizenship.