快好知 kuaihz

1 Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of energy production. 2 Sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grail of the power industry. 3 The discovery is being hailed as The Holy Grail of astronomy. 4 Secondly, Buckingham wanted those relics, the Grail and Excalibur. 5 It is her holy grail of sorts. 6 They announce that they have found the holy grail. 7 Others sought the Holy Grail, Dad stalked the earth in pursuit of the perfect pyjama. 8 The grail itself was sin, none other than sin itself; what greater obeisance to Love itself than to part with all? 9 It was like the search for the Holy Grail, but more like the Monty Python film version. 10 We may remember here that the Holy Grail is sometimes considered to be a stone, as well as a vessel. 11 For the genetic engineers, the grail of nitrogen-fixation remains unattainable. 12 That was my Holy Grail, and there could be no real life for me until I found it. 13 Grail engineering employs forty people, and is currently training twelve apprentices. 14 In fact, perfect information is the unattainable holy grail, but dotcom business brings it that little bit closer. 15 Where others see trinkets, Romans see the holy grail: something for nothing. 16 What if there is no Grail or Excalibur or secret Templars? 17 He was united with the Wardens of the Grail and dwelt thereafter in perpetual joy. 18 From the same lands came the quest for the Grail that revivified the spirituality of the twelfth century. 19 For the last few years, the so-called foamless shoe has been the holy grail of the athletic footwear industry. 20 Total immunity from colds once seemed to be the unattainable Holy Grail of clinical viral science. 21 Today's proliferating new technologies seem to offer advertisers the chance to reach this holy grail. 22 Hasn't his search for Maastricht supporters resembled Indiana's quest for the Grail? 23 Pentecost is also the high feast of the Arthurian Grail legends. 24 The plot proper, however, is the Big One - a quest for the Holy Grail. 25 Odile is the patroness of the knights who sought the Grail. 26 Nuclear Fusion Nuclear fusion - the process which powers the sun - is the Holy Grail of energy production. 27 His name is cited in the four gospels. Legend has it that he obtained the holy grail from the last supper. 28 Instead, we have the enterprise society where profit at any cost has become the holy grail. 29 Another generation of Labour leaders, in the 1960s, were still left to search for the Holy Grail of economic planning. 30 A vaccine for malaria has become something of a scientific holy grail.