快好知 kuaihz

(61) He wandered far afield in foreign lands. (62) His remarks are far afield. (63) Don't go too far afield. (64) Since then, he has worked unstintingly for the good of the game, in Manchester, England and much further afield, earning him recognition around the globe as a true ambassador of football. (65) So to add to the rich variety of the day I sometimes go to the local loo, and sometimes go further afield, visiting other loos around the building. (66) Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood. (67) They afield appeal mainly to young people andare fueled mainly by caffeine. (68) Plenty of people came from further afield, like the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, with a Delphic slogan: “We would rather sweat in peace than bleed in war. (69) You are not allowed to bring plants in from further afield without a licence. (70) If one goes further afield, and takes the Jewries of Rumania, latvia, Austria, one sees practically the same picture. (71) An aircraft - carrier would enable China to project power much further afield. (72) To examine them in this book would take us too far afield. (73) There's nothing to stop you from doing a bit of exploring further afield. (74) On the day of the sale last May, Woolley's auction room was full of bidders who had made the journey from London, and even from as far afield as Hong Kong and mainland China. (75) In liking the water system such as life afield, ditch, brook, it can swim into water, give water to be able to fly, have very strong phototaxis. (76) Afield , the Irish Setter is a swift-moving hunter; at home, a sweet natured, trainable companion. (77) The herdsman drove afield battening his flocks with the fresh dews of night.