快好知 kuaihz

1, His books all have a certain sameness about them. 2, He grew bored by the sameness of the speeches. 3, She was struck by the sameness of the houses. 4, She grew tired of the sameness of the food. 5, And there is considerable sameness in what we do from day to day. 6, Does equality have to mean sameness for spouses in order to have equal power and status in our most basic family relationships? 7, The criteria of sameness and difference offer few ways of separating out peoples once we rise above the level of locality. 8, Too many lawyers complain about the sameness of their activity, day to day, month to month. 9, The sameness of the descriptions spoke volumes about the connection between writer and reader, as did the laughter and the smiles. 10, There is some sameness between the two feature films. 11, Synonymy: is the technical name for the sameness relation. 12, There is such a sameness about everything. 13, Tall tales have a certain sameness. 14, Sameness of purpose kept them together. 15, The very sameness of the day's routine was tiring. 16, Finally, comparing and analyzing the difference and sameness between them from the following two aspects:reviewal target and reviewal standard. 17, In our differences we grow; in our sameness we connect. 18, Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms. 19, He hated the sameness of the food the college served. 20, They have some different characters on the certain sameness both occurrences of gold in two fields. 21, If we can understand the identity of the criteria of sameness of use, then we can understand the sameness of meaning. 22, Political parties retain the same name over long periods, implying sameness of identity. 23, This gives an illusion of a richer polyphonic texture and relieves the sameness of homophony. 24, Gone the sense of being squashed into nothing by flatness and sameness. 25, Emergence of difference is often experienced as a shock to the whole system, a sudden puncturing of the illusion of sameness. 26, But despite the well-meaning ring of colorblind ideals, you can not demand sameness of language while perpetuating segregated education. 27, The era of globalization has created a field that the sameness and the otherness coexist. 28, Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity . Yet you may live a great life. 29, Puns exasperate after a while , tall tales a certain sameness, misspelling a strain to read. 30, The differences reflects their different culture and history while the sameness reveals the universality of mankind.