快好知 kuaihz

1. You seem to be under a misapprehension. 2. He laboured under the constant misapprehension that nobody liked him. 3. I think we should clear up this misapprehension. 4. Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men. 5. I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners. 6. Stevens recognized Mr Graham's misapprehension. 7. A mental construct arising from a misapprehension of the relationship between the crofter and his land. 8. He accepted that the complainants were under no misapprehension about the nature of the acts they had engaged in. 9. The battalion's officers, under the misapprehension that such an equipage must contain a senior officer, saluted. 10. The doctor is under no misapprehension that the real contest is just as tough. 11. Another misapprehension about the corpse of the woman had to do with what Victor took to be her extraordinarily long fingernails. 12. The earth was dark through misapprehension of God. 13. The fighting between the two sides rose from misapprehension. 14. A quarrel often rises from a misapprehension. 15. I was under the misapprehension that he was dead. 16. To expose this misapprehension, would be to repeat what has been said in the introductory chapter. 17. We were by now under no misapprehension about the extent of the problem. 18. Similarity English word being pronounced often arouses the misapprehension between saying English person. 19. Some people are under the misapprehension that all politicians stink. 20. I thought you wanted to see me but I was clearly under a complete misapprehension. 21. It was not that she had signed under some induced misapprehension as to the nature or character of what she was signing. 22. Well, dear Rex was either lying or labouring under a misapprehension. 23. Sharpe translated the crowd's attention as the derision due to a cuckold and, in that misapprehension, his temper snapped. 24. But the conventions surrounding the drama itself usually go some way to counter this kind of misapprehension even in mediaeval times. 25. She could not attribute such behaviour to mistake or misapprehension of any kind. 26. I think, Miss Marple , that you are under a slight misapprehension, began Mr. Petherick. 27. It'seems to me that he's been labouring under a bit of a misapprehension. 28. Would you please tell me that all of this is my misapprehension ( misunderstanding )? 29. Non - disease exists when a patient is under the misapprehension that disease is present. 30. I think you want to see me but I am clearly under a complete misapprehension.