快好知 kuaihz

1. She carved a flower out of a radish. 2. The statue was carved out of marble. 3. The beads were carved from solid ivory. 4. Someone had carved their initials on the tree. 5. The valley was carved out by glaciers. 6. The piece of wood had been carved into the shape of a flower. 7. He carved the figure of a woman from a piece of wood. 8. Over the centuries, melting snow had carved valleys in the landscape. 9. This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk. 10. The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone. 11. I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche. 12. He carved up the roast beef and gave each of us a portion. 13. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736. 14. He carved out a career for himself by hard work. 15. They carved the territory up into three provinces. 16. In idle moments, he carved wooden figures. 17. Hieroglyphics are carved into the walls of the temple. 18. He carved the joint of beef. 19. The territory was carved up by the occupying powers. 20. He carved a doll from a block of wood. 21. The scene has been carved in high relief. 22. They carved their initials into a tree. 23. A carved cornice runs around the high-ceilinged room. 24. Many adornments were carved on the temple walls. 25. He carved his name on his desk. 26. He carved his girlfriend's initials in the rock. 27. He carved her name on a tree. 28. They carved their initials on the desk. 29. Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock. 30. Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way[http://], gold and stone can be carved.