快好知 kuaihz

61. She reached out to switch on the bedhead light and realised that the blackness of night had been replaced by grey gloom. 62. The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space. 63. But not necessarily in a negative way: he had used his blackness to become a better boxer. 64. She peered out through the windscreen into the eerie blackness of the winding lane. 65. He blinked against the blackness, afraid he would be smothered by it. 66. A side road appeared, a soft and dusty grey-white in the blackness, and they pulled over. 67. Something nipped at her neck, and she pitched forward into blackness. 68. The white shape hung there in the blackness of the short corridor inside the entrance to the cathedral, grinning at them. 69. The far wall was a large expanse of ornamented glass, with pitch blackness beyond. 70. It goes straight for a few yards and then bends round the corner into blackness. 71. My blackness was seen to be a public and political fact, whereas my gayness was seen as a purely personal matter. 72. Lydia woke suddenly in the tangible blackness that was moonless country night. 73. Blackness rushed into his head. 74. The lightning lit up the inky blackness. 75. Blackness is an important parameter in the radiometry. 76. The coach dissolved into the blackness. 77. the inky blackness of the cellar. 78. Everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness. 79. BLACKNESS Turns all output black. 80. Instead of appearing self-luminous, as white disks do, blackness seems to generate a void, or a black hole, that absorbs all the light. 81. Shortly afterwards, the second launch approached the dock in pitch blackness amidst the buzzing of voices. 82. And patches of Blackness where the woodmen had Burned the Brushwood and rubBish. 83. Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness. 84. Montanelli sat alone under the magnolia tree,[http:///blackness.html] looking straight before him into the blackness. 85. No gray hairs are in the even , smooth blackness. 86. With the clear perception of my plight, there fell upon me a blackness of despair. 87. The cliffs and hills were so drawn together that hardly did the stars shine into its pitchy blackness. 88. Friend, face the blackness, stand to keep, do not crouch down. 89. The energy salvos and counter-salvos sent narrow beams of blindingly bright light and streams of angry red-orange annihilation disks skewing through the blackness. 90. I clothe the heavens with blackness And make sackcloth their covering.